We Made so Much Money on Yard Sale Day!

On yard sale day I woke up at 6:30 in the morning. I headed to my friend Sophie's house at 7:00 clock in the morning. She was making muffins when I got there. She was almost done. She said she woke up at 5:30 in the morning to make the muffins because she wanted it to be warm when the people buy them. She made blueberry muffins and banana muffins. And the day before that she made cupcakes and then iced them. She wanted to bake everything with me but she couldn't because we were really busy at our own respective houses.

As soon as I got to my friend Sophie's house we started to set up all the things that we want to sell. Sophie's grandma was there to help. She gave us some pins and some bracelets that we can also sell. She said we can have some that you really like. And the ones you don't like you can sell it if you want to. I picked one that I really like. It's a pineapple bracelet and it's really pretty. My friend Sophie picked a cross one that is also really pretty.

When we were all ready to sell. Lots of people came. They mostly bought the muffins because it's in the morning. Some people actually bought some cupcakes. One person bought a water bottle. The water bottles sold for one dollar each. We were also selling wreaths. One girl bought one wreath. The wreaths sold for five dollars each.

In the end, we made about 80 dollars. We made so much! It was so much fun talking to people and being together with a friend. 

Sea Eagles are Way Prettier than Bald Eagles

Coyote Peterson said bald eagles are not bald. The reason why they call it that is because in the old English the word is "balde" which means white. That is why they call it a bald eagle. 

Coyote Peterson also said bald eagles are large birds of prey that belong to the Sea Eagle family. I search on Wikipedia the "sea eagle" I never knew it was so pretty! I saw different types of eagles they are way prettier than the bald eagle and the sea eagle has sharper claws. 

The bald eagles like to live next to the water so they can catch fish, and aquatic birds, and small animals. Bald eagles can way up to fourteen pounds that's almost two milk jugs. That is really heavy for a bird. The bald eagle has a wingspan that ranges between eight and six feet. 

A female bald eagle is quite larger than the males.

When Golden eagles are diving they can go 200 mph. And the Bald eagles when they dive it's 100 mph. It's a lot! I never knew they can dive that fast. When we are on the highway we don't go 80 even. That bird can zoom right past us if it wants to.

Here is a video of a skydiving falcon.

The female bald eagle can lay up to three eggs at a time. And about 35 days they hatch! that is really fast! I wish I could see a real baby eagle hatching it would be awesome to see that.

I love bald eagles I have always wondered why they called the bald eagle "bald" because it was not bald and now I know why it's called the bald eagle. 

This is the Stellers Sea Eagle

Riesenseeadler Walsrode 2014 01jpg

I Went to The Mall With my Friends!

Yesterday we went out with Sophie Philip's mom and my mom and Abby's mom in a car. The car that we went in was Abby's mom's car. It had eight seats in it. And there are six of us. On the way to the tea place, we played a car game. So everybody starts out on the letter A. And goes all the way to Z. We look at signs and if t starts with a letter A then you can move on to B. It has to start with A not something that has an A in it but has to start with the letter you are on. We taught Abby how to play. She understood us and she was really good at it. 

 The tea place is our favorite place. It was for Abby's birthday. There are smoothies there. I got an Almond Strawberry Frost. It's really good. They put a strawberry at the very top and some crushed almonds too. My friend Sophie got the same thing. My other friend Abby got a Mint frost one. That one is also very good I have had it before. There's food there. You can get lunch their dinner there and breakfast I think. 

We took pictures when we were at the tea place and at the mall.

After that my sister Noelle came and she went with us to the mall. We looked at a bunch of stuff like, shoes, dresses, earrings, and we went on the escalator and the elevator. It was so much fun going on the escalator. That was probably the most fun thing I have ever done in the mall before. When we got back I looked at the time and we spent almost five hours.

Today is Choir!

Mrs.Doomer recommended that we should listen to this song. And that if you are really good at singing then you can be in that choir. I am not good at singing. But I really want to get better and better at it. So I sing every day practicing the songs that Mrs.Doomer wants us to do. I love the songs that Mr.Doomer had us sing. It is so much fun singing them!

Today is choir and Mrs.Doomer will see who will be able to do a solo and who will be able to do a group song with three people. I really want to do a solo so bad. Last week she had everybody try out for the solos and group songs.

 She only had us sing this part" There were a hundred sheep in fields of green and their shepherd loved them so but one got lost inside a deep ravine and didn't know how to get home the Sheperd sought the one who strayed and wouldn't rest till he could say. And then we stop right there. It was really fun. I memorized the song but I still brought my binder just in case I get so shy that I wouldn't remember my words in the song. But that never happened thankfully.

Yesterday was Easter!

Yesterday was Easter! 

My Opa and Oma stayed the night and my cousin and my aunt stayed the night too. They came on Thursday to Sunday because Sunday is Easter and we were going to have a big feast with everybody and Cameron would also come. On the day when my cousins and my Opa and Oma came, we had an early Easter egg hunt because everybody wanted to do it. And we did another Easter egg hunt on the same day and had it on every day that my cousins and my aunt and my Opa and Oma stayed. It was so much fun!

On Easter, Cameron brought smoked tri-tip. It was so good. My brother Jonathan brought lamb stew. Everybody liked that best! We also had fruit salad and couscous and asparagus and some crackers.  

For dessert, we had chocolate-covered strawberries and cookies and pudding and more fruit salad with whipping cream on top and some candy. There were lots of sweets!

After that, we went down to the tennis courts and played. The tennis courts are right next to the Lake Club, but the Lake Club is closed right now. My mom my Dad and my brother Nicholas and I all played. We had four rackets and some balls for it. We had two people on each side. I haven't really played in a while but I tried anyway. I got better and better. I love playing tennis so do my mom and dad. 

Two days before that we played tennis and it was at night. We turned the lights on. There was a switch for setting how many minutes you want it to go for. We set it to 45 min and when it was almost done I did another 35 minutes. And when there was one more minute left, I was about to hit the ball and then all of the sudden the lights turned off! It was pitched dark we could barely see. We just called it a night and headed back home.