Me And Sophie Made A Fort!

Me and Sophie made a fort! It’s in our house and upstairs on the bridge. It’s really cool! I put our actual bed matras inside the fort! And we have been sleeping in there for about five days or more! It’s just really cool!! And you can see what’s happing down stairs because we have a window! Except the ceiling keeps coming like almost down at us. So I always have to bring it back up again. But I am still figuring it out to have it stop falling down all the time!

Me and Sophie sometimes play dogs in there. :) 

And when my mom says to put the fort away we beg her to keep it up! And she lets us! And now we basically live in it!! :) I sometimes read at night in there while Sophie is trying to sleep! 

Here’s a little video of the fort!! (It’s with InShot!)