Been Going Over Across The Street to See a Neighbor With a Dog!!

So recently Sophie and I have been going across the street to a lady's house who has a dog that is fourteen years old! And in dog years that's about 98 years old!!!😐 And it's a big dog too! She thinks its part German Shepherd and mixed with something else. And the dog's name is Champ. 

So we know the lady because of our cousins and aunt. So awhile ago ( when we still lived in the other house ) our cousins and aunt visited us and they knew a lady who lived near by our street ( which is now the street we live on ) and so we all visited her and went on walks with her and the dog Champ and got to know her more. And recently our cousins visited us like last week and haven't seen her in so long so we all went over there and said hi and my mom started talking to her about how I really want a dog and also want to walk them and stuff like that and the lady said Sophie and I are welcome to come over and see her dog Champ. And plus I might even be babysitting the dog one of these days. Depends how long Champ will live since he's pretty old. 

So that's the back story on how we know the lady. And now that we have been seeing her a lot, we have been getting to know her really well. And now Sophie and I usually go over there everyday around 5:00 PM and hang out with her dog and chat a bit too. 

My mom just wants to make sure before we get a dog or anything, just that I am around them a lot and have more knowledge about puppies or dogs and raising them and trying to train them too. And right know I have been reading a book called, " The Art Of Raising A Puppy". And I have also been watching a lot of Cesar Milan videos too. 

I just hope some day I will be able to get a dog!😌

Cesar Millan Handles A Dog That Grabs Everything In The House!

Cesar Millan was called by another dog trainer named Eldon Mcintyre. He is trying to train an 80-pound golden doodle named Murphy. Here is what a golden doodle looks like:

But Murphy is too much for him. So he and Cesar Millan meet at the owner's house to watch how the dog normally lives there. Eldon explains that Murphy is a super hyper dog and even learned how to open doors when he was really young! He takes socks, clothes, toys, stuffed animals, food, anything he can have his mouth into. He even swallows some socks! And then, they would have to take him to the vet to have it removed. They will chase after him when he has something in his mouth, and then he starts running. Murphy is a big, hyper dog, so he's either running around taking food and such or sleeping in his crate. But the family wants Murphy to be a normal house dog, not taking things every second. So Eldon put a wireless camera on himself for Cesar to see how the dog normally lives in the house. Soon, he finds out how bad it is! 

Cesar comes in to help when the dog just grabbed something in its mouth. The family was surprised and happy to see him. He grabbed the dog, and it's hard to explain what he did exactly, but let me try to explain it: when the dog had something in its mouth, which was a piece of bread, he grabbed onto the piece of bread but did not pull the piece of bread out of its mouth but waited until the dog released it from his mouth himself. Cesar did something else so the dog would release it. I think he poked him on the side of his neck and said tsht. And the dog slowly released it. Then he explained to the owners that this wasn't an aggressive dog but a super hyper one! He said you guys don't have any boundaries for the dog. So Murphy thinks that everything in the house is his to eat or have. You have to start setting boundaries. And if you start doing that, then Murphy will slowly realize that there are some things he can't have." It's going to be easy training Murphy not to eat or grab things, but definitely not easy to teach the owners!"He said. 

Then Murphy ran into the girl's room. The mom said she wanted to go chase him down. But Cesar said that's exactly what escalates Murphy's excitement, and he thinks it's all a game and waits for her to chase him. So Cesar grabs a sock and starts dangling it in front of Murphy's face so he won't grab it or get excited about it and realizes it's just a sock. If he grabbed the sock and the mom or dad or the kids get excited about it and run for him, then Murphy will think that the sock is actually something to grab about and start running. But when Cesar dangles the sock in front of Murphy without giving excited energy, Murphy doesn't care about it one bit.

So, he gives the family some pointers and homework to work on. 

Then they said thank you so much! And Cesar Millan left.