I Played Violin For my Church!!!

Last Sunday, I played violin for our church! It was my brother Nicholas playing guitar and our friend, Abbygail, playing the piano and I playing the violin. Abbygail usually plays the violin, but since the person who plays the piano was gone on vacation with her husband, Abbygail took over because she is a perfect piano player. But when the people return from their vacation, Abbygail will go back to playing the violin, and we might play together for church. And apparently, they won't be back for about one month or so. 

Last Sunday was my first time playing for the church! It was a lot of fun! And it sounded great! And this Sunday, I will play again, hopefully.

 Nicholas is the one who picks out the music each Sunday for us. They have been easy to play so far. I have to practice every day, so I get it all right. Tuesdays, the church has bible study, and usually, everybody who is learning how to play an instrument comes, and we practice the songs for Sunday. So we get there, practice songs for church then, eat, then have bible study, then go home. Tuesday's Bible studies are really fun to attend. The Bible study itself is really great! I mean the dinner is too! But the Bible study is also great! :)

Thanks for reading this blog post! There will be more! :)