My Fun Weekend!

I had such a fun weekend!! 

So my friends the Garza girls got to come to our house on Saturday at 12:00. But one of the girls wasn't there and that was Abbigail. I asked where she was and they said she wasn't feeling well. :( So it was just Annie and Rosie who came. But we had a great time! 

Here's what we did on Saturday and Sunday together:

So when they first came we practiced line dancing together. They even taught me a new line dance! It was a lot of fun! I keep messing up, but after awhile I finally got it! :) I really wished Abbigail was there because it would just be even more fun with her! 

So after we line danced a bit, we ate lunch which was chicken tacos!! And had soda waters, ( yes that's what they are called ) and after we drank and ate, my mom said that she can drop us off at the little store and then we can walk back. Obviously we went to get candy then walked home from there. :) And Sophie was there too ( my sister not my friend ) and she handled the walk easily. It wasn't hard at all to walk that far. 

So after we got back we started to get ready for that night because there was going to be a band night at the lake club!! So we started to curl our hair. Then after that we got dressed in dresses and then ate and practiced more line dancing until it was time to go. 

So we headed down and Sophie's friends Ellie and Kayden was there. And my friend Abby too! I already knew she was coming.

So first we practiced more line dancing outside the building and then went inside the lake club and danced! We danced all the line dances we knew! And everybody kept saying that we were really good! And even some lady's tried to follow us in the line dancing. And some even taught us one while we were dancing!! So we danced with them. I have done the dance they did but I forgot how it went. But the dance was super easy to remember and do. We had an amazing time together!

Here are some vids of our dancing!

After about two hours of dancing it was like 9:28 PM so we headed back home and the girls stayed the night at our house. We watched clean memes and I got us some blankets and pillows and then fell asleep around 11 in our living room. 

The next morning I got up at 6:30 AM and it was Sunday so I got ready for church and then the girls helped me with the sandwich's that we had to make for a tea party after church. We made them and then the girls got ready for church. We ate breakfast and headed to church around 8:30 because I have to go early to practice music. Rosie and Annie wanted to go so they went with me. And Ezra drove us to church with dad. 

After practicing music we had bible study and then after that had church. Mr. and Mrs. Orr wasn't there and those are the people who do piano and guitar. And who are pros! So it was just Nicholas and Abbigail ( who is a violinist but also can play piano ) and I who played for church. I had solos and I messed up on a lot but it was ok. 

After that Annie and Rosie got to meet the people at the church and then we had a tea party there. The tea party was just for girls and no boys where aloud. 

After we prayed and sat down at the table we started eating. It was super awkward because nobody was talking and kept looking at each other. But we kept breaking the silence with laughs or giggles and then it would go silent again. After awhile we started talking. But we barely talked. We just laughed more then talked. And the girl who played piano named Abbigail said," Boys ask," what do girls do at tea party's?" Me," they giggle and laugh". It was so true what she said. :) 

Well after everybody ate we went outside and played Ninja and played one game of that and then sat in the pews and talked. It was mostly Rosie and Annie who talked. I didn't talk like at all because I was pretty tired plus I love to listen to people talk than rather myself talking. After that we went for a walk around the church. Then went back inside the church and sat on the pews and talked more. Then my dad came and picked us up and we drove the Garza girls back to their house.

That's all what happened!! I had a great time and I wish we could do it over again but with Abbigail next time! :)