Mole Crickets

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."Mole Cricket Experiment!."

Here is the new video:

 Coyote Peterson is in Texas. I never heard of a Mole Cricket in my life. Coyote Peterson said the Mole Cricket is very strong and it can dig very fast under the ground. If you hear like a bit of like a frog noise and you hear it very close and you can't see it at all and it is coming from underground then that's probably the Mole Cricket. Coyote Peterson said when he didn't know where the noise was coming from he thought its a frog but he could not find it at all and then he searched it up on the internet and he found out what was the noise. And then knew what it was and where it was. Coyote Peterson said he never knew what a Mole Cricket was. It's pretty cool to see a mole cricket. What I like about the Mole Cricket is that it can dig fast underground. Coyote Peterson said when the males make like this type of noise that means the males are trying to attract the females and mate with them.