Golden Orb Silk Weaver Spiders Can Eat a Baby Bird!!

Coyote Peterson is going to be putting his head in a box with Golden Orb Silk Weaver spiders. The name comes from the golden color of its extremely strong web, which helps to draw in and untangle a variety of victims. 

Coyote Peterson said, " all spiders have fangs ". I never knew that! I always thought that only venomous spiders have fangs, but all do apparently!! Some people say that they have seen a Golden Orb Silk Weaver eat a small bird!! 

Females are larger than males.

 They are not aggressive toward humans. And their venom is very mild. Still, I would never want to be bitten by a Golden Orb Silk spider!! Or by any spider in fact! I am kind of scared of spiders. 

Coyote Peterson said, " well I have stayed in the box for a couple of minutes already. I think it's time to let my head be out of the box now".