I Crocheted a Jellyfish!

I crocheted a jellyfish. Well, it was actually just nothing, so then I realized I guess I could try and make one out of the nothingness, and well, it does look like a jellyfish, so I am happy with it. And Sophie plays with it when she is playing with toys, so that's something! I put a mouth and some eyes, but it just looked creepy and weird with it, so I took it off, and now it looks way better without it.

Here is a picture of it:

Let me know if you like it or not. I still have to put on more tentacles.

 Oh, and also, I have been taking crocheting lessons with my friend Abby. She wants to learn how, so she and I go over to this lady's house that is right next to the lake club, and we go there to learn how to make a coster or something easy to start off with. The lady has a really nice house and is a very good crocheter! I learned how to hold the crocheting hook right and how to hold the yarn with my other hand. It was nice learning how to hold the yarn and hook correctly. I need to buy wool yarn because I have a whole bunch of acrylic that isn't the right type to make some stuff. Acrylic is super soft, so when you try to make a coaster, it will be very wobbly and starts to turn and stuff, but the wool yarn is different, and it works for crocheting a coster or something and holding its shape. Also, when Abby and I went to the lady's house, we learned how to crochet a coaster. Ok, well, my coaster didn't turn out well at all. It was doing all kinds of things, so I turned it into a jellyfish. :) And I did use wool yarn, so it should have worked! I think the problem was that I kept it tight and not loose, so I think the tightness will make it turn and stuff.

Well, I hope you liked the jellyfish! :)