Getting My Costume Ready For Halloween

Halloween is almost here. 

Ten days till Halloween. I am so excited. 

My friend Sophie and I are going to be 80s Rock Stars. I ordered big circle earrings for our costume. On Halloween, we are going to a store and buy some stuff for our costume. I already have a shirt for my costume and my friend has one too. We need a skirt. So we are probably going to get one at a store. 

My brother Ezra is not going trick or treating this time. My brother is twelve, so he said he is too old to go. He is going to stay back and eat candy and play Minecraft. If you don't know what Minecraft is, it's a video game where you half to build houses, and there are monsters at night. The monsters die when it's daytime. And there's lots more to it. 

I can't wait till my costume is finished and ready to go trick or treating. My other friend Abby is not going to be with us because she is going to Chico on Halloween. She said they are not doing trick or treating in Chico. I don't know why they are not doing Halloween in Chico.