Bitten by Three Canines

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."Bitten by 3 Attack Dogs.

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is in West Virginia. He is going to get bitten by three dogs. One of the three dogs is a German Shepherd, and the other dog is a Doberman Pinscher, and the last one is a Belgian Malinois. The German Shepherd ways eighty pounds and the Doberman Pinscher ways ninety-five pounds and the Belgian Malinois ways seventy pounds. 

I really wish I could have a dog but not one that would bite me a lot. My favorite dog is probably a golden lab. The reason I love golden labs is that they are so cute when they're a baby, and I love their gold color.

Coyote Peterson said the German Shepherds intimidation is a two, and the impact is a two, and the bite force is a four. Five is the highest for the intimidation and the impact and the bite force. He also said the Doberman Pinschers Intimidation is a four, and the impact is a two, and the bite force is a four. And the Belgian Malinoises intimidation is a five and impact is a four, and the bite force is a five. That last bite force is 220 pounds per square inch.

Wow, I am impressed that Coyote Peterson could go through lots of bites. I think the Doberman Pinscher was the scariest dog for me because it was very tall and it looks very scary. Coyote Peterson is wearing a suit for the three dogs. It's not regular clothing, but it protects its skin a little bit because he could still feel most of the pain in the suit. 

Female Malinois 2005-01-29jpg
By © Caronna (via Wikimedia-Commons), 2008, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

By Miroslav Cacik - autor Miroslav Cacik, Copyrighted free use, Link

German Shepherd - DSC 0346 10096362833jpg
By <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">gomagoti</a> - <a href="//" title="File:DSC 0346 (10096362833).jpg">DSC 0346 (10096362833)</a>, CC BY-SA 2.5, Link