POEM: Best of Friends!

I have many friends, and I love how each one never ends. I love how the Garza girls are always there to make me laugh and have fun, and they always get that job done! I'm just so happy to have them as chums! And I can't wait to be roommates when the time comes! My other best friend was from when we were babies. Don't worry, we never had rabies. Well, her name is Abby! She comes and always makes me happy! We almost play every day. When we were young, we did ballet! Every Friday we go to the lake club! We're there to have fun and eat some grub! My favorite type of grub is chicken and fries. But I would rather have some pies. But I'm just so glad to have friends like the Garza girls and Abby! They aren't too shabby! Jk they are actually amazing people! I'm so glad that God gave me them to me! I hope that one day we could all go and ski! 

Thanks for reading this second poem I made!! Hoped you liked this one!!