I Did a Solo at Choir!

Yesterday was Choir and we had auditions. It was really fun. I did a group song with my two friends and I also did a solo. Mrs.Doomer said she wanted everybody to be quiet when people are singing. So when it was my turn to do a solo it felt really weird and I was a little scared. But after a while, I was not scared anymore and it felt nice.

Some of the kids in our class did solos and group songs. Mrs.Doomer's son daniel, would do a group song with anybody that wanted to do a group song but they didn't know who. People only did two people per group. 

Joanna did a solo and she also did a group song with this other girl. I forgot her name but she was sitting right next to us. 

At the end of the class, the bigger kids did a song with us. The song was called " He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" and we also sang " This is my Father's World" it's my favorite one out of them all. 

Here is me singing" This is my Father's World". With “ He’s Got the Whole World”.

I Love Reading the Bible

I love reading the bible. 

The reason why I love reading the bible is that I love learning about God. There are so many different stories about God and how he died on the cross to forgive our sins and why he did that. If there's a question that you want to know you just keep reading the bible and then you will know!

Every day my family reads together and prays together and sometimes sings together too. I love singing with my family a lot! It's so much fun!

Right now I am reading about David. I am already past when he became king. I am right where King David is about to die and his son Solomon is about to be king. 

Here is me reading the Bible about King David and King Saul.

I might get a bilingual Dutch/English bible. Because I do know some Dutch but not too much and also we are someday going to Holland. So that is why I want a Dutch/English bible. 

My mom and dad texted their friends and see if they knew any good ones. They said they do know one that is good. And my dad checked it out but it was all Dutch bible and not part English. So we are still looking for one. We looked but all the other ones  weren't the right ones that they wanted. So we are still looking.

What we did on Palm Sunday!

Yesterday was Palm Sunday. 

Noelle and Cameron stayed the night at our house on Saturday until Sunday. So they can come to church with us in the morning. 

We had to leave at 8:00 to get to the church because we were going to Sacramento. And my second oldest brother lives in Sacramento. And he goes to a church there that we are going to visit. We have been there a couple of times. And after that, we are going to our brother's house and celebrate Palm Sunday. It was really fun!.

Here is me reading the Bible:

My brother Caleb has a house in Sacramento. So that is why we are going there. It took us to get there 2 and a half hours. I went with Noelle and Cameron and my brother Gideon in one car. The car that we were in was Cameron's new car. 

We celebrated Palm Sunday at our brother Caleb's house. It was lots of fun!

For lunch, we had tacos and chips. And for dessert, we had brownies and different types of ice cream. It was so good!

On the way back to our house we stopped by a gas station and got some snacks for everybody. It was like these gummy worms but on the outside, there was this hard candy. And we also got Reese's Pieces and a little container of trail-mix and banana chips. 

When we finally made it up to our house Cameron and Noelle dropped us off and left back home.

My Friends Have Their Birthdays Coming Up!

My friend Sophie and my other friend Abby have their birthdays very soon. My friend Abby has hers on April 2nd and she is turning 10 years old. My other friend Sophie has hers on May 28 and she is turning 11. And her brother Sawyer has his on May 29. He is turning 8 years old. I wish my birthday was soon but it's not. Not until a long time from now. My brother Ezra has his on June 1st and he is turning 13 years old. 

I have my friend Abby's gift already. It's a piggy bank but it's also a stuffed animal. It's really cool. I also got her fake nails and an owl necklace. The owl necklace is really pretty. And I also got my friend Sophie the same owl necklace. So basically it's a friendship necklace. 

I have the same owl necklace as my friends too. The owl represents wisdom.

On my friend Sophie's birthday, I am going to go to a tea place with my other friend Abby too. The tea place has these really good smoothies too. They are really good. And afterward, we are all going to the mall and buy something for my friend Sophie and my other friend Abby. I don't think I am going to get something at the mall for my friend Abby because I already bought her a lot of presents.

I can't wait till my friend's birthday. It's going to be so much fun!

Lizards, Butterflies, and Other Animals that we Found

A year ago when it was summer my friend Sophie and I would go down our hill and look for flowers together and butterflies. It was so much fun! And after we picked a lot of flowers we would give some to our neighbors. I can't wait till summer comes again. 

One time my friend and I caught a bunch of butterflies and put them in a box. We thought maybe they can mate and have more butterflies but my mom said we can't keep them because they will die and we would have to feed the butterflies too. I said we have flowers to put in the box and they can have all they want of the pollen on the flowers. We put them in a shoebox with lots of flowers and we put window holes in it for the butterflies to see in the box and make it bright. We did that for a couple days and they still survived. Then we decided to let them go.

We also caught lots of lizards last year too. We only catch small lizards because the big ones can bite stronger and we also are scared of them because they are big lizards and the small lizards are just cute and you want to catch them. We also searched online how to know which lizard is a female and which is a male. It said the males have a darker tail and the females have a brighter tail. We noticed the difference in the tails.

We looked under rocks and dark places and under trash to find lizards and other animals. We also flipped rocks up to see if there are any bugs so when we find lizards we can feed them. My friend and I have a huge cardboard-box to put the lizards in there. One time we had them in the box for a couple of days and the lizards finally died. My friend and I felt bad and we did a funeral for all of the lizards. And now we don't keep the lizards for a couple of days anymore. We just keep some in a box for a little while and at the end of the day, we let them go.