My Sister Noelle got Engaged!

My sister Noelle got engaged with our friend Cameron. She was so surprised. 

This is how it happened: we were on a walk and my brother Jonathan helped Cameron set up some stuff for the engagement. Jonathan had a drone so he can fly it around the area so when Cameron proposes to Noelle the drone has a camera so it can see them. It looks really good. Cameron's brothers and sisters were there to help too. Zack is Cameron's brother and he hid behind a tree with a go-pro. And Cameron's two sisters were right next to my brother Jonathan videoing on their phone. 

My sister Noelle thought it was for somebody else's romantic place because she saw a rose petal on the ground. So she said to Cameron we should go because somebody else might be here having a romantic time. And then she saw Jonathan. She didn't know he was going to be there. And then she said hey that looks just like Jonathan. And Cameron and I were like "it IS Jonathan!" and we were laughing a little bit. She was like oh really! And then I went over to Jonathan. And Cameron took Noelle over to one part of the hill because there was an arbor. The arbor was decorated. And my brother Jonathan got Snickers the horse that belonged to Noelle's friend Gail. She said you guys can take the horse. So we took the horse and brought it to the hills. It takes a half-hour to get there. 

The horse was all decorated in roses and vines. It was really pretty.

Apparently, it took them a long time to set up all of took them two hours and a half to set all of it up. But it was worth it.

We started the walk there at 4:00 PM. And came back home at 7:30 PM. We were so tired and exhausted. Our feet hurt really bad from walking and getting all of the stuff back from the hill. But when we came back we forgot the halter for the horse, so today we are going to get it.

When we were walking back the horse the sky got dark and then the horse started to get scared. So we called Noelle and she said we are already on our way back so she said she can take care of the horse and she walked it back. And we went with her in the dark. We had flashlights so we can see. A lot of cows were following us and then we scared them away. And we finally made it back. 

Here are some pictures

My Friend And I Sell Bracelets

My friend Sophie and I are selling bracelets basically every day. And lots of kids come and buy them. My friend Sophie has lots of rubber bands. But she's already running out of them because we used the same ones a long time ago. So I might buy more. 

Sometimes we go down to the park to sell bracelets. It's a great spot because lots of kids go there. The last time that we went there we were so busy with kids wanting to buy them. But some of the kids had their bracelets broken so we fixed them.

We sell the bracelets for fifty cents each. But sometimes we make thick bracelets so those are one dollar each. And we make rings out of rubber bands too. And those are just twenty-five cents each. I made a sister bracelet for me and Noelle. And I also made friendship bracelets for me and my friend Abby and my other friend Sophie.

Here is a picture of my friendship bracelet

This is a thick one.


I am Starting to Read " A to Z Mysteries"

I am starting to read " A to Z Mysteries". It's a really good series. I’m in the middle of reading two books at the same time and I have already read three books.

It's about three kids solving crime mysteries together. 

There are two boys and one girl. They all live next to each other. They are eight year’s old, almost nine. 

The girl's name is Ruth Rose. She likes to wear all one color and she likes to ask questions.  

One of the boy's names is Josh, who is funny. He is always hungry and he likes to eat. 

And the other boy is named Dink, who is maybe the smartest one. Dink is not his real name. In the book, his actual name is Donald David Duncan, but nobody calls him that. They just call him Dink for some reason. 

Here are all the books that we have of " A to Z Mysteries":

We Got Five Singing Papers At Choir.

Yesterday I went to choir and I got five singing papers. 

The first of the five singing papers was " He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" song. And the second one is "Shalom Chaverim" song. And the third one is " Charlie Over the Ocean" song. And the fourth one is "Anthiphonal Kyrie" song. And the fifth one is " A Cowboy Went Yodeling " song. 

We haven't practiced singing " A Cowboy Went Yodeling" yet. It sounds very funny. 

There are 81 students including the higher class. It's a lot. 

This is my choir binder.

Yesterday we also got cupcakes because three of the girls in our class had a birthday on the same day. It was chocolate cupcakes with three chocolate chips on top and white frosting. It was really good. 

At the end of the day, Mrs. Dummer let us play on a playground that is right next to the choir. And we played freeze tag.

Here is the "Charlie Went Over the Ocean" song.

I am Starting to watch a Farm Show and its Called " This Farming Life"

I started watching a farm show. It's called" This Farming Life". I like it a lot. It's fun to watch. It has cows, sheep, Sheep Dogs, pigs, bulls, and other animals. I wish they had horses in there but they don't. It would've been nice to see all the different types of horses. My favorite type of horse is painted horses.

Here is the link to painted horses.

I also love white horses I basically like every horse. I love riding horses it's so much fun! And I like feeding them too.

In the farm show, this one lady had so many Sheep Dogs. I love Sheep Dogs. They are so cool Because they can control the sheep basically.

Here is a link to a Sheep Dog.