Today is Choir!

Mrs.Doomer recommended that we should listen to this song. And that if you are really good at singing then you can be in that choir. I am not good at singing. But I really want to get better and better at it. So I sing every day practicing the songs that Mrs.Doomer wants us to do. I love the songs that Mr.Doomer had us sing. It is so much fun singing them!

Today is choir and Mrs.Doomer will see who will be able to do a solo and who will be able to do a group song with three people. I really want to do a solo so bad. Last week she had everybody try out for the solos and group songs.

 She only had us sing this part" There were a hundred sheep in fields of green and their shepherd loved them so but one got lost inside a deep ravine and didn't know how to get home the Sheperd sought the one who strayed and wouldn't rest till he could say. And then we stop right there. It was really fun. I memorized the song but I still brought my binder just in case I get so shy that I wouldn't remember my words in the song. But that never happened thankfully.