My Choir Performance is Next Week!

My choir performance is next week! I can't wait. Last Tuesday we practiced in a church. We are going to perform there. I forgot what the church is called. The building is very big! It's way bigger than our church. Our church is half the size of that church. And there are so many seats. I think it was a three-story church!

When I first got there we practiced all the songs that we are going to do for the performance. After that Mrs.Doomer let us outside for a half hour to play while she was working with the Senior choir. Two adults had to watch us make sure everybody was nice to each other and made sure that we were entertained and nobody would get lost.

 There were snacks outside for us on a crate. My friend Sophie brought snacks too. She brought these little chocolate stick things. I forgot what they are called. But it was really good! Some other kids brought snacks too. Only a few people brought snakes.

 When Mrs.Doomer said she was ready to work with us know she let the Seiner choir go outside and play while we were going to practice singing and we kept doing the same thing where the Junior choir goes outside while the Seiner choir works with Mrs.Doomer and then we would switch. And then Mrs.Doomer said she wanted the Seiner and the Junior choir to come and we would practice altogether on one song that we had to learn for the performance. It was " He's Got The Whole World in His Hands" with " This Is My Fathers World".I really like that song!

We had so much fun!

Den of Foxes by our House!

My brother Gideon saw some foxes! In our backyard! They were grey foxes. I followed the foxes a little bit and then I found their den! I heard baby fox noises from the bush that is down the street and a little bit down the hill. I didn't see the baby foxes but I heard them. When baby foxes are calling it sounds like they are yelping. Then I saw the dad coming to the mom and I think he was bringing them food or something. 

Here is a picture of a California grey fox:

Grey Fox Urocyon cinereoargenteusjpg

The face of the grey fox kind of looks like a raccoon to me.

It was really cool to see grey foxes in real life!

We Did a Little Choir Performance at " The Touch of Heaven".

Yesterday I had a little performance for my choir at "The Touch of Heaven". Elder people live there. Our choir did four songs for them. The seiner choir did three songs it was really good. One of the songs that we did was "The Lost is Found". I had a little solo for the first part of the song. I was a little scared at first but I get used to it. 

My friend Sophie also had a solo part in the song too. Three other people had solos too. They are great singers! My friend Sophie is a really good singer too.  

The song's that we did was "Shalom Chaverim". The second song that we did was" King of Kings And Lord Lords". The third one was " The Lost is Found ". And we also did Kyrie. It was lots of fun!

After that, we went to a park with goodies to eat.Mrs.Doomer said everybody can bring snacks at the park and lots of people did bring lots of snacks. It was super good. There were different types of cookies and there were different types of juice and popsicles and everything. 

Here are some video’s when we were at " The Touch of Heaven".

Coyote Peterson Found Lots of Different Type of Frogs!

Coyote Peterson is in Costa Rica. He is going to try and find lots of different types of frogs.

He found a female Stream Frog! Female Stream Frogs are larger than males. Coyote Peterson said the male frogs are usually the ones that you would find more because the females are more hidden. But Coyote Peterson got a female instead of a male.

The color of the Stream Frog is a very dark orange that almost looks brownish with a few green spots. On the belly side, it's bright orange with big yellow spots. On the legs, it's a dark orange with yellow spots. It's really pretty! Coyote Peterson let it go and then kept searching for more frogs.

Coyote Peterson found a Dirt/Rain Frog! He got another female frog. The female Dirt/Rain frogs grow bigger than the males.

The Dirt/Rain Frog is very strong that it jumped away from Coyote Peterson. But Coyote Peterson got it back. And then he let it go and went back searching again for more frogs.

Coyote Peterson found a Splendid Leaf Frog! 

He said the Splendid Leaf Frog doesn't often jump. It likes to walk more than jumping.

The Splendid Leaf Frog has sticky toes. And they can spread out their legs so much that they can practically glide themselves. 

The color of the Splendid Leaf frog is all green at the top and on the belly side all bright orange with black stripes that almost looks like a tiger. Coyote Peterson said the Splendid Leaf Frog can see very well in the dark. He also said he can't believe he found a Splendid Leaf frog because the frogs live high up in trees and almost never comes down so he was really lucky to see one. I wish I could see a Splendid Leaf frog in real life it would be so cool if I did be able to see one.

The White Tree Frog is Very Cool Looking!

Coyote Peterson is in Queensland Australia. He is trying to find a White Tree frog. He found a White Tree frog!

The White Tree frog that Coyote Peterson caught was a very chubby female. Coyote Peterson said the reason why the White Tree frogs are chubby is that they store lots of water underneath their skin. He also said the frog is very squishy. 

The color of the White Tree frog is all green with little yellow speckling on the back.

The frog has very sticky pads that they can hold on to stuff and go upside down. 

He also said the reason that you can tell between a female and a male is that the females are larger than the males and the females have white under their chin and the males have a dark brown under their chin. 

The White Tree frog eats insects, other frogs, and snakes.

The frog can call. Sometimes they would go inside a container and try to make their call louder to draw in some females. Coyote Peterson said the White Tree frog was the coolest type of tree frog that he has seen.

He also said the frog is very smooth very sleek and very shiny.

The White Tree frog looks very cool looking!