I am all Done With Choir.

I am all done with the choir. The next semester is going to be in fall. Mrs.Doomer is going to be splitting us up. Like there is going to be three choirs instead of two now. The first choir is going to be for very little kids like 5 to 8 or something. And the second choir is I think going to be like 10 to 12 I think. And the third choir is going to be like I think 14 to 19. so yeah it's going to be a lot more kids next semester. I love choir a lot. I wish it didn't end yet. Joanna might be at the choir again next semester I don't know yet. I really hope she does though. 

Mrs.Doomer did a party for the choir. It was at a skating rank called " Viking Skate Country ". It's in redding. And it's only 25 min away from my house. It is really fun! I rode in my friend's car because my mom and dad were gone to Chester. My friend had a softball game at 3:30 so we had to leave at 3:00 to get to her game in time. Mrs.Doomer has ice cream for everyone there but we had to go to the game so we could not stay for the ice cream. We told Mrs.Domer we had to go and she ok and she gave us a little candy and said goodbye. We got to stay there for and hour and a half. But it felt to me only five min. 

I was not use to roller skating. I am way better at roller blading witch is a little harder than roller skating. After awhile I got the hang of it and I had lots of fun. Joanna was not there at all. I really wish she was. 

My Bridesmaid Dress Came in!

My bridesmaid dress came in! 

I actually ordered two bridesmaid dresses because my mom said the sizes were very difficult because if it's not the right size then I can't be a bridesmaid for Noelle's wedding. You would think I have a lot of time to buy the dress because the wedding is not until a long time. Well, the shipping took one month. And if I got the wrong size I can't order it or else it will take another month. We never expected that it would take a long time for it to come in that late.

When it finally came in I immediately got dressed in it. One was too big for me and the other fit just right. I was so happy! The back of the dress that fitted me was really pretty! The front was just right like it was not too low or too high it was just right. 

 A couple of days later my sister Noelle came and I put my bridesmaid dress on to show her. She said it looks really pretty! And that I can wear it to her wedding. She also said for the wedding I can have my hair like hers! And she said or I can look on Pinterest or something and see what hairstyle I want. Her friend is going to be doing all the bridesmaids' hair. It's a lot of hair to do. I forgot her name though.

Here is a video of my bridesmaid dress:

My Choir Performance Last Tuesday! (May 2021)

Last Tuesday I had my Choir performance! 

My brothers came and my sisters came too. We had the whole family except my brother Caleb did not come because he was in Sacermento.

 We actually had two performances. One was at I think 3:30 in the evening. The other one was at 6:30. When we had the first performance there were not that many people.  But the next performance that we had was lots of people all of the seats were basically filled with people and it's a huge church! My friend Abby could not make it to the performance because they were going to have company over at there house.My friend Sophie was there because she was in the choir with me. She had a little solo part in The Lost is Found song. 

Here is me singing my solo:

After the performance we all went to Panda Express! I rode with Camron and Noelle to Panda Express but we went accidentally to he wrong one so we called them and said where are you guys and we have been waiting for you and then they said we have been waiting for you so then we knew we were at the wrong Panda Express so we went to the right one and then we found them.

We came back home and it was almost 10:30! 

I had so much fun!

Noelle's Bridal Shower!

Yesterday Noelle had a Bridal Shower! 

My friend Sophie and my other friend Abby came to the Bridal Shower too. And Abby's mom and Sophie's mom and my mom.

The Bridal Shower was at Camron's Grammas. It starts at 3:30 so we left at 3:00. We were a little late but it did not start yet so that was good. Everybody was just talking for a while. There was a trampoline there and a treehouse and swings and some baby kittens too. They were really cute! There were five of them. Three were all orange and one black and one white. 

My friends and I all went on the trampoline together. There was another girl our age too. I forgot her name. But I do know that it started with a K. We played with her until the Bridal Shower started. 

There was a really nice table with some seats so we all sat there when the Bridal Shower started. Some people were bringing food out to everybody that was there. Camron's sisters brought out some games for everybody to play. The game was that people had to write down on a piece of paper that the people bring to you and it says what is Noelle's middle name and what eye color she has and stuff like that and the person who got most of the things right than they get a prize! I didn't get any prizes though. All of my friends helped each other and I also helped them too. It was really fun! After we played the game some people brought out some dessert for everybody. 

When we were done eating our dessert Noelle started to open some of the presents. Noelle got a lot of presents! My friends and I put all of the presents in Noelle's car. We stuffed a lot but it did work out thankfully. And nothing broke. I love going to Bridal Showers!

Here are some pictures and videos that I took:

The Japanese Toad is Very Toxic!

Coyote Peterson is in Tottori Prefecture in Japan. He is trying to find a Japanese toad. He found one!

Coyote Peterson said he does not know if the Japanese toad is a male or a female that he caught.

He said the females grow larger than the males.

The Japanese toad eats any " Arthropod" or " Crustacean" that they can come across in forests. Crustacean means any insects that have sheals like crawdads and shrimp and stuff like that. Arthropod means the same thing I think.

Coyote Peterson said the Japanese toad is always on the move. It does not really hop it only hops if it feels like it going to be eaten or something. The frog was fine on Coyote Petersons' hands and it did not look like it wanted to hop at all it was just walking nicely on his hands. 

Coyote Peterson said the Japanese toad has great eyesight in the dark and during the day. It does not have really any pretenders because its skin is very toxic. So if a predator comes and tries to eat the frog it can smell very bad so the pretenders would go away. And can spray this white toxic stuff. If it gets into your mouth or eyes, what it would do is if it sprays you in the eyes then your eyes will hurt a lot and it will be itchy for a while. If it gets into your mouth it will taste very bad and I think it will hurt your mouth a lot. I would never want to do that at all.