I Got Two Super Cute Baby Russian Tortoises!!

I got two baby Russian Tortoises!! They are super cute! My sister Noelle got me them! I am super grateful!! I have always wanted a baby tortoise. The lady that Noelle got them from said that you can't tell yet if they are a girl or a boy. I can't wait till they are going to be full-grown adults! 

When they are one and a half years old you can tell probably if they are a girl or a boy. I watched a video about how you can tell between a female and a male tortoise. 

Here is the video:

Russian Tortoises don't actually come from Russia. The reason why they are called Russian Tortoises is that the soldiers from Russia were in a country called half Afghanistan for several years. The soldiers liked the Tortoises they found from that area and brought them home as pets to their families in Russia. From there in Russia. The rest of the world discovered them as good pets from the Russians. And that is why they are called Russian Tortoises.

The Russian Tortoises eat anything basically that is green. But they should not eat spinach because they don't have the ability to process the spinach properly like humans. I feed my two baby tortoises Apples, Green beans, Salad, Carrots, etc. They should also not eat iceberg salad. Like spinach, they cant process the iceberg properly like humans. 

Tortoises are land animals and turtles are water animals. 

It is really rare seeing tortoises drinking water. But I actually have seen one of my tortoises drink water!! It's really cute! I have not gotten it on camera though. I wish I did.

I give them small baths two times a week. You are apparently supposed to fill the water only to their tail level. But with turtles, they are always in water so I guess they already get a lot of baths. :]

Here is a video of my two baby Russian tortoises:

In this video, it looks like they are really big but really they are super small. They are smaller than my hand!

Their names for right now are Joe and Ella. You can tell which one is Ella and which one is Joe because Ella is smaller than Joe. As I said, I don't know which one is a female or a male yet. But I really like those names. So for right now, I am naming them Joe and Ella:]

I Am Starting To Take Swing Dance Classes!

Yesterday I went with Simeon to a swing dance class! It was so much fun!

When we got there they split us into two groups, one group was for girls and the other for the boys. They said to pick our partners. And when we did the teacher taught us these.

  • 4. U/A Release from basic 
  • 5. Tuck in ( Spins ) and Hand W-Tuck
  • 6. Alter.U/Arm Turns
  • 7. Shoulder Check

Every Thursday Simeon and I go to the swing dance classes at 2:00. And the teacher is going to add more  moves to our dance!

Tasmanian Devil's Bite Force is Nearly 1,200 Per Square Inch!

Coyote Peterson is going to be watching Tasmanian Devil's eat kangaroo meat.

Tasmanian Devil's can eat Kangaroo meat, Rats, Mice, Chicken, Wallabies, and lots of other animals. And they are scavengers, which means they hunt for only dead things. Their bite force is nearly 1,200 pounds per square inch! And a lion's bite force is 1,768. A crocodile's bite force is 5,000 which is way more than a Tasmanian Devil's bite force. A tiger's bite force is 1,525. And a wolf dog's bite force is 540. And a normal dog's bite force is 250. And a human bite force is 140.

Tasmanian Devils live in Tasmania. 

When the Tasmanian Devils eat the Kangeroo meat they are going to be eating the flesh, the skin, the tendons, and even the bones until they are full and when the Tasmanian Devils are full the Kangeroo meat will definitely be all gone. They make so much noise when they are eating.

Mark Vins said I don't think I would be ever as hungry as they are when I am eating!

Coyote Peterson Got to Hold And See a Queen Bee!

Coyote Peterson is in Tucson, Arizona. He is meeting up with this guy named Chris Brinton. Chris Brinton is a Bee Specialist. He is going to be showing Coyote Peterson what is inside a bee box.  Coyote Peterson has so many questions to ask Chris Brinton.

Chris Brinton opened the bee box. There were lots of bees inside! Inside the box, Chris Brinton said right in the middle the queen bee is laying lots of eggs. All of the worker bees in the box are actually all females. Coyote Peterson asked Chris Brinton if he can take off his glove and put his hand over the bees in the box. Chris Brinton said yes he can do that and you would not get stung because they actually like being touched when they're working. So Coyote Peterson did that. And he didn't get stung. Coyote Peterson said he felt vibrating and he also said it was very warm when he put his hand on the bees. Chris Brinton said the bees actually keep their nests at 92 to 95 degrees.

Chris Brinton asked Coyote Peterson if he wanted to taste some of the honey right out of the box. Coyote Peterson said sure! When he did Coyote Peterson said it was really sweet and rich with flavor!

Coyote Peterson asked Chris Brinton if he could see the queen. And he said yes. They found the queen bee! The queen bee can only sting other queens so if they want to take over other nests. Coyote Peterson put back the queen and said well I think that's it for today!

Parrot Snakes Have Big Eye's.

Coyote Peterson will not be in this video but Mario will be.

Mario is in Costa Rica. He is going to be looking for a snake. He found a Parrot snake!

Mario said that Parrot snakes are diurnal, which means they come out in the day. He said that the Parrot snake is not super dangerous, but he has to be careful still. He said that the Parrot snake has rear fangs. Parrot snakes are so cool to me because they have fangs and they are green and so camouflage in green leaves. And they have a really big mouth when they are in defensive mode.

The Parrot snake has very big eyes. The snake is just locked on to Mario's face and watching what he does.

 One of the Parrot snake's favorite type of frog to eat is the tree frog. Mario said most tree frogs are nocturnial, which means they hunt at night and sleep during the day. Mario also said the Parrot snakes eat the tree frogs when they are a sleep. If I was a tree frog I would be terrified when I sleep.

The Parrot snake went on Marios hat and climbed down onto the ground and Mario said well I think its time to let go of the snake and say goodbye.