Palm Sunday

Yesterday was Palm Sunday! 

Before we went to church yesterday, my dad cut some palm leaves from our palm tree and brought it to church so all of the kids can wave it around! 

Why do we celebrate Palm Sunday? Good Question. The reason why is when Jesus and his disciples where at the mount of olives Jesus sent two disciples saying to them,

 “ Go into the village opposite of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied there and a colt with her; untie them, and bring them to me. “ and if anyone says something to you, you shall say, ‘ the lord has need of them, and immediately he will send them”. 

After they brought the donkey and the colt, the disciples put their garments for Jesus to sit on.  And most of the people spread their garments in the street and others were cutting branches from trees and also laying them in the street.  And the multitudes going before him, and those who followed after were crying out saying, “ Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord; Hosanna in the highest!’ 

They shouted those words because just seing and being in the presents of Jesus is awesome and incredible and so many more words that I can not even think of! 

It is a wonderful story!

Here is the verse: Mathew chapter 21 - 11. 

And that is why they call it Palm Sunday! 

My Baby Tortoises!

My baby tortoise’s are outside enjoying the sun and eating the nice delicious grass!

Here is a little video of them and a picture:

They are super cute! I love them very much! 

Here is a poem I wrote about them. 

Tortoises love to be underground!

 When they are finished hibernating 

they come out and are so big and round! 

They look all around themselves and are 

astound at all the grass. The End. 


We Finally Finished Our Pajama Pants!

We finished our pajama pants!! 

They are really comfortable and really nice to be in. The hardest thing about sewing the pants is putting the elastic in.  Sophie’s grandma and me were trying to put the elastic in and it was super hard! 

Watch the video if you want to know why it was really hard to put the elastic in:

And here is a video of the pajama pants all finished!:

Between sewing and cutting fabric I like sewing the best for sure! And like for some reason ripping and taking out threads.

The next project we are going to do is more pajama pants because the ones that we just finished are practiced ones so the next ones will be better because we know now how to do it more easily!

We had lots of fun sewing and cutting and had lots of problems but in the end it was definitely worth it!

Chameleons Are a Very Fragile Species. So Always Be Carful on How You Are Handling It!

Coyote Peterson is in” Kwazula-Natal, South Africa in Sand Forests”. He is trying to find a chameleon. Coyote Peterson said” tall grass stalks is very important when it comes to finding chameleon’s”. You will find very fine sand next to the tall grass stalks. 

Females will lay their eggs into the very very soft sand and as they begin to hatch, they come out and they are thinking of how can I get higher up? At night they will climb up to the very top of the grass stalks. They will hang there and assume that nothing can get them. Sometimes they are right but when it comes to finding them and getting them in front of camera’s it’s going to be kind of easy because when you show a light at them they glow like little glowing grapes on the very ends of the tall grass stalks. 

They found a very teeny tiny chameleon! It is super cute! Coyote Peterson snipped a part of the grass stalk of which the baby chameleon was on so he does not disturb it. When they first saw the baby chameleon it was sound asleep on the grass stalk. :)  But after awhile it opened its eyes. 

Chameleons use their tails to balance themselves on tree branches and tall grass stalks and more things. Their feet look like oven mitts and those oven mitt like feet help them grip and hold the body in place. It’s rather simple to find chameleons. Well if you know where to look. ;) 

From a predator view it looks like the lizard is apart of the environment. 

Coyote Peterson let go of the baby chameleon and kept looking for a bigger chameleon. 

They found a “ Flap Neck chameleon” female!  

The feet of chameleons are called “ Zygodactylus”. Which basically means two toes in the front and two toes in the back. Coyote Peterson said” chameleons are capable of using their feet and their tail to help them move pretty much effortlessly through the tree tops”. The cool thing about chameleons are that they can move their eyes to 180 degrees from any direction which gives the reptile the ability to see 360 degrees within its environment. Wow!

The tongue can be two times the length of the body. That is really long!

They have very sharp claws and teeth. 

Chameleons can’t just change to any color you place it on. If I put it on my shirt it will not change to whatever color I have on my shirt. They change their color, based on their moods and they can change color also if something like a predator was to come. Which is actually pretty cool!  

They are also a very fragile species. So you always want to be very careful when you are handling with any type of chameleons.  

All About my Classical Guitar!

I just bought a Capo for my classical guitar today. A Capo is a thing that you put on your guitar and when you strum the guitar it makes it sound higher. You can play really beautiful songs with it. 

I have been planning on buying a Capo for a while but never really got around to it. But now I just bought one. It is going to come in tomorrow! I can't wait! 

Here is a picture of a Capo:

I keep losing my picks! If you don't know what a pick is it's a thing that you use when you are playing guitar. You hold it in your hands and you use it when you are strumming or picking. If you don't have one it's going to be pretty hard to play guitar. My brother Nicholas has a whole bunch of them so he gave me five of them! I am super thankful he gave me some because I keep losing mine!

Here is a picture of the picks he gave me: