Jacob Feder.

Jacob Feder is a YouTuber. His parents have a sanctuary next to their house. They have, white lions, lions, Jaguars, snakes, turtles, sloths, iguanas, tortoises’s, all different types of monkeys etc. He looks like he’s 18 years old. He lives on the south side of Florida. He is lucky to have all those different types of animals. He has a sister named Hannah. She looks like 17 or 18 too. He shows everybody on YouTube the animals he has. 

Here is one of the videos he did:

He has lions, jaguars, and white lions but I don’t know why he didn’t show them. But yeah you should defiantly check out his YouTube channel. And you can see when he feeds his lions. They also have a couple guard dogs for animals if any should come in and hurt other animals. 

He goes to like this dump yard and looks if there is any animals there and he has actually finds, kittens, baby squirrels, and one time he actually found a dead burned horse on a train track that has not been used for a very long time. It is just so sad that he found all those types of animals there. He said people would just drop off animals and leave them there. It is just so sad. :( 

And one time he and his sister found a bunch of puppies in a crate on the side of the road and it said “ free”. They took all of them in the car and when they got back home, when they were taking the puppies out of the car, one of the puppies pooped and in the poop they found lots of worms in it! It was really bad! And all of the puppies had lots of fleas. So first they gave it food and milk and after that they went through every puppy and got out all of the fleas. They put the puppies in the crate again and the puppies fell asleep. The next day they went to the vet and treated the puppies to help and get rid of the worms inside their stomachs. 

But yeah you should definitely check out his channel. 

The Pool is Awesome!

Pool opened about three weeks ago or more. It is so much fun going there! Today my friend Sophie and I and her brother Sawyer and my sister Sophie and my mom and dad are going to the pool! 

Last Saturday, my mom and dad and my sister Sophie and I went to the lake club because there was a band going on! My friends, the Rameriezs and the Phillips where also there! We went to the pool while the parents hung out at the deck talking. Our parents could see us from the deck so they can watch us. We swam until the pool closed and then we went where our parents were and then going in the game room which is inside the lake club and played pool. My first turn I got two balls in! I was really happy! :) 

After about 20 mins my family had to go so I said bye to my friends and left. When I got home our power was out and that night was really hot!! So we couldn’t have the fan on! We could not sleep. When it was 10:30 PM the power came back on and we got the fan on and slept  great! I don’t know what caused the power to go out. 


Today is my friend Rosie’s birthday! She it turning 10. Tonight we are going to their house for cake and presents! I can’t wait!! And my other friend Sophie had her birthday two weeks ago. She turned 12. But this Friday she and I and I think a couple other of her friends are going to get a pedicure! I also can’t wait for that too! I thought she was going to have her birthday party at the public pool because the pool just opened! But I have never gotten a pedicure before and neither has she so it’s hopefully going to be fun! :)

I got my friend Rosie a mug and a journal. She loves llamas so the front of the journal has lots of llamas! And the mug is a llama! So I think she will like it because she said she likes llama mugs and actually I think she likes anything that has a llama on it. Maybe when she’s like 18 or something I can get her an actual llama! That would be awesome and funny! :) But I don’t know where’d she put it. :)

I hope Rosie will have a awesome birthday today! :)

I Love Horses! And Horse Books!

I have been reading horse books. I do really like to read and I want to learn more and more about horses. 

The book that I am reading is called " How To Think Like A Horse " by Cherry Hill.  It's about where a horse can't see and how much they can see and well, to think like a horse and just a lot of interesting things!

 I am only on chapter two right now. But each chapter is a lot to read!! 

Here are some things they talk about in the book:

Sounds that trigger anticipation.

Horses link certain sounds to specific activities, such as feeding. Just like Pavlov's dogs that salivated when they heard a bell ring before being fed, horses anticipate being fed when they hear sounds they know precede feeding. Here on our ranch, the horses respond by becoming more active physically or calling for feed when they hear: 

The very first word or morning yawn from the house.

The back door to the house opening and closing. 

The barn door sliding open or the feed room door opening or closing. 

That is a little bit of what they have in the book. 

Horses can be restless when there are in the wind because of what they hear and what they can't hear. 

Yesterday I went to my brother in-laws parents house to ride horses! I got to ride Cameron’s sister Elianas horse! The breed was a beautiful painted horse!! The tail was very long and beautiful! I got to trot it around the arena with me on it of course! :)  It was so much fun! I would love to do again sometime. 

The Rodeo Was Awsome!!

About a week ago I went to a rodeo with Cameron and Noelle and Cameron’s sister Eliana. It was on a Friday night. A hour before we went to the rodeo we were sitting in the car waiting for Cameron because he was getting tacos for us at Taco Bell. It took about 40 mins! Cameron wanted to be early to the rodeo so when he came back from getting tacos he hopped back into the car and drove pretty crazy! We were trying to not to get food on ourselves and soda too! I did get some soda on my pants but it was fine.

We got our tickets! And now we had to go sit somewhere. We got to our seats. 

Cameron kept on disappearing to get food and drinks like in the middle of the rodeo. He got the drinks from the car and the food from the rodeo. 

There was barrel racing, bull riding, ect. 

When they were bull riding after the bull flung the person off the bull trotted to where the people were and literally jumped up and over the gate. Everybody was freaking out! The bull went to tTurtle Bay bridge! Turtle Bay bridge was right next to the rodeo. Nobody got seriously hurt but one person did at Turtle Bay bridge and had to get sent to the hospital. Thankfully we were not where the bull jumped over the gate! 

Here is a video where the bull jumped over the gate!

My favorite part was the bull fighting!

There was a painted horse that I really liked. I don’t know why I love the breeds so much! But I do! :)