Sophie and I Played a Star Wars Game On a Xbox!!

Sophie and I have been playing a game on the Xbox. It’s called “Star Wars Battlefront”. 

You're fighting on a battlefield against your enemies. Actually, Sophie and I fight against each other. So I would be on the bad side ( which is the Empire) and Sophie would be on the good side ( which is the Rebels).

 We are also playing with other people too ( which is the robots ). It’s really fun!! You can also ride on ships and tanks and even animals too!! So it’s even more fun!! 

We play about every day after our school work. I think four people can actually play it but Sophie and I just play it. We like to try and get each other too in the game!! 

Here is a picture of the CD that we play it on.

I just love it so much!!

I Got To Learn A Little Bit Of Violin!!!

My parents and Sophie and I went to Ripon last week!! We stayed at our friends house the Eschens! We stayed there for one night. They have a hot tub and a pool!! So at night we would go in the pool and then the hot tub! The parents even went into the hot tub with us! We had a blast!! 

I actually took a video of us in the hot tub! But it for some reason it didn’t work. 

Their daughter Risa is very good at violin! So I asked if I could learn some. And she said of course! She told me what everything was called on the violin and then she taught me how to hold the violin and the bow. Then she had me play one string on the violin with the bow. Then after that she had me pluck every string with my finger and had me mesmerize the strings! I just had so much fun with the violin! Now I so BADLY want a violin!! I have actually always wanted a violin since I was 8 years old! So maybe for my birthday my family can pitch in!! :)

Goats in Lake California!!

Goats in lake California!! They came about a week ago! But they are still here and down the hill! 

Here is a video of the goats!!

There is a goat guy that takes the goats basically everywhere so the goats can chew down the grass. He of course puts gates all around. And he gives them three buckets that’s full of water because there’s about 100 of them! They also eat the dead poison oak. It does not hurt them of course. 

There are three pairs of goats that the goat guys have to take them everywhere! So all of them together is about 300 goats!! It’s a lot!! I like the ones that’s have like a stripe down the middle of them! It looks really pretty!! I just love them all!! 

I can’t wait till next year when the goats come again! :)

Me And Sophie Made A Fort!

Me and Sophie made a fort! It’s in our house and upstairs on the bridge. It’s really cool! I put our actual bed matras inside the fort! And we have been sleeping in there for about five days or more! It’s just really cool!! And you can see what’s happing down stairs because we have a window! Except the ceiling keeps coming like almost down at us. So I always have to bring it back up again. But I am still figuring it out to have it stop falling down all the time!

Me and Sophie sometimes play dogs in there. :) 

And when my mom says to put the fort away we beg her to keep it up! And she lets us! And now we basically live in it!! :) I sometimes read at night in there while Sophie is trying to sleep! 

Here’s a little video of the fort!! (It’s with InShot!) 

Pumpkin Spice Donuts!!

I am going to be making more donuts! This time they are going to be pumpkin spice donuts! 

I am making them on Friday night because my parents and Sophie and I are going to our friends house, the Eschens on Saturday morning and staying one night there. It is in Ripon. So it’s about three and a half hours from here. And Ezra and Simeon are going to our brothers house and staying the night because we all don’t want to have to squeeze and have somebody double buckle since there is six of us and only five seats in the car. So that’s why. 

So yeah I am going to make donuts on Friday night and bring them on Saturday morning. The donuts get hard really fast. Like the next day they are already hard. I wish it would not get like that though. Maybe I could wake up super early in the morning and make them! I don’t know. 

This recipe is actually different from the regular one. This one is where you don’t have to proof it. You actually put the donuts on the pan and put it in the oven! So hopefully I don’t mess up. 

Here’s the recipe for them!