Parakeet Around Our House!

There is a Parakeet loose around our house! We know the owner who lost it. The owner of the Parakeet lives at the very top of our street. Her daughter is the actual one who owns it. 

The Parakeet's color is a bright green and a bright yellow. It's beautiful! I took some pictures of it with a camera. It's not a phone camera. It's an actual camera, like what photographers use to take good pictures. When I took a picture of the Parakeet, it turned out pretty good! I was pretty happy with it! I couldn't put the pictures here because I don't know how to transfer them to the computer.

I noticed the Parakeet about a week ago.

 It made its home in our front yard tree!

It is a female Parakeet. I know that because the owners told us. I don't know the name, but I call it Ms.Keet. Just like Parakeet! :)

Every morning I hear its chirp! And when I do, I usually go outside and try to find it.

I tried to get it back in its cage that the owners brought to our house, but that didn't work. I tried calling it but she would not come down. And I tried to feed it with some Parakeet food that the owners also brought, but that didn't work either! But I think it would be better without it being in the cage. It seems to like being free! And I think it should enjoy being free! So now I don't even try to catch it. I think the owners should set free their other one! Also, they do have another Parakeet. And when they do, they should have babies, and the parakeets would multiply! So then there would be Parakeets everywhere! Now that would be awesome!

Here is a video of a green and yellow parakeet that talks and looks like the one in our tree!

Simeon Is leaving To Alabama!

Simeon is leaving for Alabama. He is staying with Gideon. He is staying there to say hi, and all and, I guess, explore Alabama. 

Simeon is staying there for one week. He just left our place about an hour ago. 

So he is flying to Nashville, Tennessee, Gideon will pick him up, and they'll be at a conference for a few days there. Then to Gideon's house in Alabama until next Thursday.

And while he is gone, he is letting me use his computer! Right now, I am writing this blog post on it! And if you are wondering, " didn't he take his computer with him? ". He did. he took his laptop with him and left his two big monitors behind, and that's what I am working on.

 A week after he comes back, we have to go to Caleb and Risa's wedding!! And then, about a week or two later, we will celebrate Nicholas and Noelle's birthday. And then after that, about two weeks after, we will celebrate my birthday! So a lot of things are happening!! I can't wait for them to happen!

My Family Went to Kent And Jenny's Wedding!!

A couple of days ago my family went to our friend's wedding. My two brothers were in the wedding! It was Jonathan and Nicholas. Jonathan and Nicholas are roommates with Kent and have known him for a long time. So that's why they were in the wedding. And my family are also just really good friends. 

All who went there that was in our family were Sophie, me, Ezra, Simeon, Nicholas, Caleb, Jonathan, Noelle, and Cameron. I was surprised that Caleb went! Usually, he has work to do or something else that is going on, and can't make it. So when I saw him, I was delighted! 

After the wedding, everybody went to the refreshment table. There was cheese and crackers and peanut bridle and ham! Lots of food! And it was delicious! :) 

After the people ate, the bride and groom brought lots of different pies out!! There was pumpkin pie, apple pie, etc. They went to each table and asked the people what they wanted. When they came to the table I was sitting, I asked them for pumpkin pie. I love pumpkin pie a lot! It tasted delicious! Oh, and they had ice cream to go with it! It was vanilla. I love vanilla! People think I am crazy to love vanilla a lot! But I do!! 

After everybody ate and had dessert, everybody went outside, and the bride threw the flowers! One of our other friends caught it! She gave it to Sophie! And now we have it sitting on the table looking beautiful!

I was so full on the way back from the wedding! I felt I was going to burst! 

We had a great time! I have some videos to put on here from the wedding! 

Here they are!

I Went To " Oasis Fun Center! "

I went to the " Oasis Fun Center " yesterday! It is a really fun place to go to!! You can do car racing, laser tag, golfing, etc! 

I went to the place because I got invited to a birthday party. And that's where they went for it. The birthday was for a friend that I met at choir. Her name is Sophie. Not my other friend, that's also named Sophie. I know a lot of people named Sophie. :) 

My friend Sophie from the choir invited my friends and me to her birthday party. So my friend the Garza's drove me there and dropped off their kids too. There were about 12 friends that Sophie invited. Her mom was going to be paying for everybody! That's probably a lot of money being spent. And apparently, they invite friends every time it's Sophie's birthday to go to " Oasis Fun Center! "

I knew everybody there because they also went to choir and I met them. So it was a lot of fun! 

We played laser tag, car racing, and this other game I forgot what it was called. That game also had lasers. So we had to get to one side of the room and try not to touch the lasers. And then, when we did get to the other side of the room, you had to scan your hand on this type of device, which was pretty cool.  After it scans your hand, it gives you a passcode that you have to put in. Then from where you started, a button comes out, and you must cross the side of the room again and press it. Then when you press it, it lets you out, and that's the end of the game. It's pretty fun, but we keep on accidentally touching the lasers! And by we, I mean Rosie, Annabelle, and I. 

We had to leave about an hour early because Garza's mom and dad had to leave somewhere. So we didn't get to have cake. :( But I am still very happy I got to go!

I Have Been Listening To Freddy The Pig Audiobooks.

I have been listening to Freddy the pig audiobooks. It is a story about lots of talking farm animals. But a pig named Freddy is always figuring out whatever the problem is around the farm. Let's say one of the farm animals was missing; in the end, he would always figure out where the animal was. So it's kind of like that. It is so much fun to listen to the stories! 

They go on adventures a lot! I have already listened to almost three stories. When I say almost three stories, I mean I am still listing to a story and almost done with it. The one I am listing to right now is " Freddy And The Dragon. " You should go on Audible and check it out! 

There are still a whole bunch of Freddy the pig stories that I have not listened to yet. So I am very excited to keep listening to them!