I Learned a New Song On My Guitar!!

I just learned a new song on my guitar!! 

It’s called ‘‘Today’’ by John Denver. It’s a great song to learn! I did it the easy way of playing it on a guitar. What I mean is, that the actual way to play on the guitar is supposed to be played by fingering the guitar while you play the song. It’s kind of hard to explain but you're supposed to move your fingers everywhere basically. 

It’s a lot of fun to sing and play at the same time. At the end of when I finished my song, my fingers ached! It’s not unusual to have that happen at all. 

It won’t let me put the whole song of me singing so I am going to be putting the actual song on here instead.

Here it is:

Choir Starting Up Again!

Choir is starting up again!! I am really happy! Yesterday I actually went to choir! I had a great time!

We have to bring is binders, pencils, water bottles, and paper if you want. I wanted to bring a book for when we get recess but I forgot. They have a playground there where you can play but I like to read a book instead. 

I have a really nice bag to put all my stuff in! My friend Mercedes made it for me! She made it for me last semester. She sewed everything too on it! She made it where you can have a water bottle in the front and pencils also! And she even put a heart on the bottom of it. She also put my favorite color which is orange! She never asked me what my favorite color was and I think just did orange! :) I just love orange!!

Here is two pictures of it!

Can’t Wait Till Winter Comes!!

I can’t wait till winter comes!! It’s going to be so much fun when it does come!!! Like we can be all cozy with some hot chocolate. And watch movies. And what I also like, is that it’s also going to be my birthday in November!! I know winter isn’t going to be here yet but I am still very excited for it! 

It has been just so hhhooottt! That’s why I am going to be sooo happy when winter comes. But the thing that I really like when it’s hot and going to miss, is going to the pool with friends and feel the nice refreshing water. I kind of wish they had a hot tub there for the winter but then I realized that would be really gross because there would be so many people in it! 

Oh and it actually rained here last night!! I was so happy!!! Hopefully it will start getting cold and rain so more!! This morning it was kind of cold from the rain that we had. 

It has been very smoky lately too. Noelle thought it might be the cold but it was not. In the mornings I can sometimes smell the smoke! It actually kind of smells like campfire smoke! I love the camp fire smoke smell so much! 

Here is a picture of a drawing I did for the winter.

About “ Stop Motion!”

I have been using stop motion for my legos! Stop motion is where you can set up a show basically with anything you want! I use legos for it. It’s a lot of fun! It’s kind of hard to explain so I did a video for you! 

Here it is! 

It’s not that good because I realized in stop motion there are videos of how you can set up everything and how to edit and do all that and I didn’t do what they said that would make it awesome. So I am going to do more and more and try to make it awesome!