Weather is Great!!!

The weather has been very good lately! Nice and cold. Its been raining about everyday. And I am pretty sure is going to be the first day of fall tomorrow! 

I wear pants everyday now. It's just been very cold. And we have some candles lit. It smells like pumpkin spice. I love pumpkin spice scents very much! I should make pumpkin spice donuts more often! :) The last time I made them was about four weeks ago. Actually I have been wanting to bake something really good!! My mom said we should make really good bread. I said that would be so good! I also wanted to make hot chocolate for when we like watch shows or movies or even just be cozy. But we don't have any cocoa powder to make it and it does cost very much to buy it these days. 

My brother Nicholas and Jonathan's house has cocoa powder so maybe we could go over there someday to get some to make hot chocolate. Hehehe. 

Anyways, the weather has been just great! I love it very much!

For some reason a couple days ago it was a little sunny like barely and a whole bunch of mosquitos are outside everywhere!! Sophie and my mom and I went to go on a walk since it was nice outside and about ten feet of me walking away from the car, there was mosquitos literally swarming my legs like crazy! And I had shorts on! So I ran as fast as I can to the car and got in there and shut the car door. Sophie and my mom had pants on so it was not really bad for them. So we went back home and I got pants on and a sweater so none of the mosquitos would suck me alive! And we also got a basket ball and some tennis balls and tennis rackets and also got my brother Ezra to come with us and play basket ball and tennis down at the lake club. He was wearing shorts and a T-shirt!! 

In the end everything was fine......... for me. :) 

Tomorrow is Choir Again!

Tomorrow is choir again! I am really excited!! Last week I had a great time.

It felt as if our teacher, Mrs.Dummer only taught us about five minutes of the choir but she taught us for about an hour and ten minutes. Sorry I keep track of time. Anyways, the reason it felt like that is because she went over the rules and all that. Then we practiced a little bit of singing. Also, I know her name sounds really weird like the word dumb but it's not like that at all it's actually pronounced, ( do- mer ) like the word, do. Then the ( mer ). 

Tomorrow I am pretty sure it's going to feel like we really spent a good hour because we already went through all the rules and stuff like that last week. So I am very excited! 

Mrs.Dummer said to raise their hands if they have been here last semester.  Almost all of the kids there raised their hands and of course including me. And then she said, all the kids who are new here raise their hands. About seven or eight kids raised their hands. There are about 50 of us. I recognize lots of kids there from last semester. 

My friends the Garzas take me there every Tuesday. Their kids also go to choir and it's a lot of fun driving up there with them and being in choir with them too!

I just love going to choir!

I Learned a New Song On My Guitar!!

I just learned a new song on my guitar!! 

It’s called ‘‘Today’’ by John Denver. It’s a great song to learn! I did it the easy way of playing it on a guitar. What I mean is, that the actual way to play on the guitar is supposed to be played by fingering the guitar while you play the song. It’s kind of hard to explain but you're supposed to move your fingers everywhere basically. 

It’s a lot of fun to sing and play at the same time. At the end of when I finished my song, my fingers ached! It’s not unusual to have that happen at all. 

It won’t let me put the whole song of me singing so I am going to be putting the actual song on here instead.

Here it is:

Choir Starting Up Again!

Choir is starting up again!! I am really happy! Yesterday I actually went to choir! I had a great time!

We have to bring is binders, pencils, water bottles, and paper if you want. I wanted to bring a book for when we get recess but I forgot. They have a playground there where you can play but I like to read a book instead. 

I have a really nice bag to put all my stuff in! My friend Mercedes made it for me! She made it for me last semester. She sewed everything too on it! She made it where you can have a water bottle in the front and pencils also! And she even put a heart on the bottom of it. She also put my favorite color which is orange! She never asked me what my favorite color was and I think just did orange! :) I just love orange!!

Here is two pictures of it!

Can’t Wait Till Winter Comes!!

I can’t wait till winter comes!! It’s going to be so much fun when it does come!!! Like we can be all cozy with some hot chocolate. And watch movies. And what I also like, is that it’s also going to be my birthday in November!! I know winter isn’t going to be here yet but I am still very excited for it! 

It has been just so hhhooottt! That’s why I am going to be sooo happy when winter comes. But the thing that I really like when it’s hot and going to miss, is going to the pool with friends and feel the nice refreshing water. I kind of wish they had a hot tub there for the winter but then I realized that would be really gross because there would be so many people in it! 

Oh and it actually rained here last night!! I was so happy!!! Hopefully it will start getting cold and rain so more!! This morning it was kind of cold from the rain that we had. 

It has been very smoky lately too. Noelle thought it might be the cold but it was not. In the mornings I can sometimes smell the smoke! It actually kind of smells like campfire smoke! I love the camp fire smoke smell so much! 

Here is a picture of a drawing I did for the winter.