I Went to The Gym Yesterday!!

Yesterday I went to the gym at 4:00 AM in the morning. I did this because later, we had to be at someone's house around 6:30 AM. I didn't have to go to the gym if I didn't want to, but I really wanted to go. So I did. I mean, when do you get to be at the gym working out when you are twelve years old? And this would be my first time going there! So I was pretty excited! I was already on the gym list. So I could go there any day, but I have to be in the same room with somebody older than me. I have to be fourteen to be by myself working out. But hey, there is a lot of stuff you can do in one room!

So my mom and I went to the gym at 4:00 AM. She showed me all the different stuff she does at the gym. There were weights and exercise bikes, but it had a screen with you riding a bike, and it had steering. So basically, you are biking with a group in the game. But it feels like you are biking in real life! You can make the gears harder, so you are burning calories galore! Oh, and the women's bathroom/dressing room is AMAZING!!! It's huge! And it has showers! And in the back, there's a steam room!! When my mom and I arrived, she showed me the steam room and said she always goes there to get warmed up on cold days before starting to work out. So we went in there to warm up. It felt really nice! Then we went to go work out! She showed me lots of stuff. I had a great time working out. But after we worked out, I felt like throwing up because I hadn't eaten anything that morning. But after about twenty minutes, the feeling went away. I was glad I didn't throw up or anything! :)

Here are two pictures from the gym. They are not really of me working out. But at least one of them is! ;)

I also did other stuff today! But I will put that in the next blog post! So you might want to see that too! It's going to be very interesting!!

Well, see you!

I Went Sledding Yesterday!!

Noelle, Cameron, Sophie, and I went sledding yesterday!

So it all happened like this: Simeon was going to go ice skating with his friends, and then Cameron said that my mom, dad, Ezra, Sophie, Noelle, and I should all go ice skating too! So we packed that night to go ice skating the next day. But the next morning, my mom said that Simeon's friends would not go ice skating because there was too much snow to drive through. So Simeon also didn't want to go then. And my mom said we should probably stay home then. I was pretty disappointed. But I asked her if we could go to Noelle and Cameron's apartment after church because that day was Sunday and have lunch there still. We were already going to go to their apartment for lunch and ice skating, but since that got canceled, I asked if we could still have lunch there. And she said yes. Just then, Cameron called and asked her if he could take the kids to go ice skating still since his truck is pretty good for the snow. I got really excited when I heard him say that to my mom! Then she said that sounds good! Now I was bursting with lots of excitement! I was just so happy!!

After church, we went to Noelle and Cameron's apartment for lunch. We brought soup! And even Nicholas came too! Then Noelle told me that the ice skating place was closed because of all the snow. I said ah, man. But then she said that's why we are going sledding instead on Eskimo hill! Eskimo hill has a big hill with a lot of snow that people go sledding on!! Ezra said he didn't want to go, and Simeon was going to do something else with his friends, so it would be Cameron, Noelle, Sophie, and I sledding. I was super excited!! Noelle and Cameron didn't have any sleds, but they said they would buy some cheap ones at Walmart. Walmart was about two or three minutes away! Their apartment was really close to a lot of stores!

I asked Noelle how long the trip was, and she said she had no idea. So she searched Eskimo hill, and it said three hours away!! It was already 3:00 PM!! And it would be getting dark around 5:00 PM! So she called Cameron and said that Eskimo hill was three hours away. He said no, it wasn't. He said it's about an hour away. And that he has been over there a couple of times hunting. Then Noelle asked, then why did it say three hours away? He said he had no idea but was sure it was about an hour away. I was so happy it wasn't three hours away! And also, Cameron was gone to Walmart getting some sleds. So he returned with the sleds, and we went to Eskimo hill! It was a very pretty drive! Lots of snow everywhere!! First, it was raining like crazy; then it slowed down, and it began to snow!! There was a lot of snow on the trees! So beautiful!

Then we came to a stop, and we were there!! The snow was really soft!! Not rock hard like I am used to! We walked to the big hill, and Cameron set up chairs he brought, and then we started to sled down the hill!! We all went to the very top! Even Sophie! Sophie went on Noelle's lap. My bottom was hurting so much because there were lots of bumps on the hills, so the sled would go up in the air and down again with a little thud. But then I realized it was much easier laying down on your back and sledding. So I did that, and it was really fun!! Usually, there would be many people there, but only about ten people were there. It was great!!

It was getting dark, so we had to leave. We got in the car and left. On the way back, we had lots of snacks in the car and ate them. I had such a fun time; maybe we will do it again with friends! It costs nothing! I thought it would, but it is free to anybody! I would love to do it with my friends, the Garzas. :)

Here are three pictures and two videos of us in the snow. I don't think we got any of us sledding, sadly.

I Got my Tortoise Joy, a Stick Log House And a Heating Lamp!

The log house hideout and the heating lamp is coming in today in the mail. So I am waiting for it! I needed to get Joy a heating lamp but never got around to it. I did have one before, but it shattered because one day, it fell on the floor. So I am very excited when the heating lamp comes in! 

Also, if you don't know who Joy is, it's my baby tortoise. She did have another name before, but I didn't know whether she was a female or a male because you can't tell after there about a year or two old. And I found out about four weeks ago she was a female! I named her Joy because she brings me, Joy! <3

The log house hideout is so that it can go hide in to go to sleep. I already have something for that, except it's made of cardboard. And it's coming apart. So the one that is coming in today looks pretty nice! So I am very excited about that too! Joy doesn't know about anything yet! So it will be a surprise! I can't wait till it all comes in!

Here is the picture of the log house thing and the heat lamp on Amazon.

I will take some pictures when it comes in and put them on this blog post!

We Took Down Our Christmas Tree And Decorations Too!

Now we have a lot more space where the Christmas tree was! Having all the Christmas decorations and our tree out feels much nicer! Our house looks almost all white and much cleaner than before. We had Christmas lights over our white railings and had them on our wall.

Last night we deep cleaned, getting all the Christmas stuff out and into boxes and taking down lights. It took work, but it wasn't actually long cleaning up. Simeon and Ezra carried the Christmas tree outside. There were so many pine needles from the tree everywhere after they took it out! So I got a broom and swept it into piles, then we got the vacuum cleaner out and sucked it all up. Then we did the carpet and sucked all the pine needles out. So now I am pretty sure the vacuum cleaner is full of pine needles!

And by now, the house was looking pretty nice!

We started cleaning around 7:00 PM. And finished cleaning around 8:30 PM. So it wasn't bad at all! After we cleaned, Simeon, Ezra, And I played Minecraft until 9:00 PM. 

Here are some pictures from when we cleaned up and when we had the Christmas lights:

Our Minecraft World!

Simeon, Ezra, french Jonathan, and I play in a Minecraft world together! Well, Gideon, Jonathan, and Nicholas can all play too, but we are the ones who play the most.

Simeon has a cool base he built. And a cool house inside of it he also created. And a farm too! And an iron farm too! Iron farms are hard to make. If you don't know what or how an iron farm works, here is how it works. So an Iron farm is where you keep getting iron, but you don't work at all to make the iron. You make the farm, then the iron flows in and keeps flowing in forever. Well, as long you have the farm, of course. You'll need villagers to take care of the farm and everything else. And villagers are just these dudes who have their village with farms they care for. To find them, you need to go and find a town, which is hard to do because you will probably have to travel a long way to try and find some. And zombies come at night, and you must eat every five minutes. So yeah, it's pretty hard to get them. But Simeon has a whole bunch! Since you can get two villagers and breed them to make more and more! But sometimes you might spond next to a village which would be great!

Anyways, our Minecraft world is pretty nice! I have a tree house that I live in with a fence all around to protect me from the zombies. I need to make an automatic door, so it opens up when you press a button! I want to build a farm too! I also have a wood shop! I get iron and diamonds for money basically, which is nice because I can make Iron armor or diamond armor. When you make armor and put it on yourself, when any zombies hit you, or you get shot by a skeleton, it protects you greatly! And you can also make shields out of iron. Now shields work amazingly when you fight!

Ezra has a base underwater! He had to drain some water for him to be able to make it. It looks really cool! And he is starting his own little farm down there!

Here is the video of me showing you all of the houses and stuff on Minecraft:

We all love to play Minecraft!