Spanish Class: Spanish Story!

As you know, I have been taking Spanish classes for a while. It has been going really well. I love learning Spanish! And today, I will write down our story for Spanish class! This story might sound weird to you, but it is so much fun! We make up the story as we go. So it always gets more and more interesting! 
Here is the story in Spanish!

Soy Goerge. Estoy in Tacobell Cottonwood, California. Soy triste por que quiero una Cocola pero no hay Cocola en Tacobell! Es muy terrible. Hay un elefante. El elefante es Dumbo. Dumbo es conmigo. Dumbo taimben quiere una Cocola. Pero no hay Cocola. Asi que, voy a IL, Chicago. Chicago possible tiene Cocola. Dumbo es muy gordo, asi que Dumbo no va a Chicago con me. En Chicago, hay un otro Dumbo! Pero Dumbo numero dos es un mosquito. Dumbo numero dos taimben quiero una Cocola. Pero no normaal Cocola, un mosquito Cocola. 

Hay un pizza. El pizza es Petey. Petey la pizza esta en Nome, Alaska. Alaska es muy frio. Petey esta en Walmart en Nome, Alaska. Pero en la section de elefante, hay un Cucarachas! Cucarachas es malo! Petey quiero una elefante pero no hay elefantes en la section del elephant! Es muy terrible! Asi que, petey va a Chico, California. En Target. En Target en la section del gatos, hay no elefantes! Hay uno gato en la section de gatos. Hay uno gato y es Howard. Howard es bueno. 

Hay un chica. El chica es Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga esta en Soda Springs, Idaho. En Target. En Target, en la section de dulces, hay no dulces. Hay helado! Ella es triste y contento por que, helado es muy rico y ella es triste por que hay no dulces en la section de dulces. 

Now in English!

I am Goerge. I am in Tacobell Cottonwood, California. I am sad because I want a Cocola, but there is no Cocola in Tacobell! It is very terrible. There is an elephant. The elephant is Dumbo. Dumbo is with me. Dumbo also wants a Cocola. But there is no Cocola. So, I go to IL, Chicago. Chicago possibly has Cocola. Dumbo is very fat, so Dumbo does not go to Chicago with me. In Chicago, there is another Dumbo! But Dumbo number two is a mosquito. Dumbo number two also wants a Cocola. But not a normal Cocola, a mosquito Cocola. 

There is a pizza. The pizza is Petey. Petey, the pizza is in Nome, Alaska. Alaska is very cold. Petey is in Walmart in Nome, Alaska. But in the section of the elephants, there are cockroaches! Cockroaches are bad! Petey wants an elephant, but there are no elephants in the section of the elephants! It is very terrible. So, Petey goes to Chico, California. In Target. In Target, in the section of cats, there are no elephants! There is one cat in the section of the cats! There is one cat, and it is Howard. Howard is good. 

There is a girl. The girl is Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga is in Soda Springs, Idaho. In Target, in the section of candy, there is no candy! There is ice cream! She is happy and sad because ice cream is really good, and she is sad because there is no candy in the section of candy!

That's all of the story so far! I hoped you liked it! 

I can understand it pretty well. My mind has to process every new word over and over so I understand it and use it in the right way. Our teacher is super good at teaching us Spanish! He corrects us if we used a word that's not supposed to be used or pronounce it wrong. He is super helpful! And has us repeat the story every time we have a class so we can really get the words down. I am so glad I can be in a Spanish class! And there's going to be more and more as the story keeps going on. Bye! :)

Shark tank!

I have been watching shark tank a lot! I LOVE watching it! If you don't know what shark tank is, it's a show on YouTube with five people called sharks since they get lots of deals from people. And sharks ( which are the people) are super rich. It has nothing to do with the animal sharks, by the way. So let's say somebody with a good business walks into the room where the sharks are, and the person says, I want 50,000 for 5% of my company. And then, the sharks discuss it with the other sharks and tell the business owner how much they are making, how much they are selling each one, etc. And after they ask questions and do all of that, the owner may get a deal. But each person who comes into the room asking for this amount of money or this amount of percent, it's a lot of fun watching it! And I also learn from it too! 

Each of the sharks that are usually there because sometimes they switch, and other sharks come in. But the sharks who are usually there, the names of them are Mark, Lori, Kevin, Robert,  and Daymond. I only know one of the sharks' last names, Mark Cuban. And Mark Cuban is the richest of all the other sharks. I don't know who is my favorite shark yet.

It won't let me put the link in, so I can't put the video in. Sorry! But you could probably just search it up on Youtube.

Ok, this guy with a business called Scrub Daddy is asking $100k for 10% of his company. I think the percentage is too low, but you always have to start low, of course, because the Sharks will be asking for more. And I think it works well! And I want one now! He wants the $100k for getting more equipment to make them and is trying to get them into many stores.  He is selling it for $2.80, and the cost to make one is about a dollar. That is a good price even though it's about three times the cost! It works well because, in the video, he showed the sharks how it could scrub off a lot of dirt and rust from the pans and not scratch them. Kevin, (who is one of the sharks ) is saying that it is super expensive. But I don't think so! It can seriously scrub! Robert (also a shark ) says that he can't see it being profitable and that he is out. When the sharks say they are out, that means they don't want to invest in the business.

 So Robert just said he is out. There are four sharks left. Mark said that you are doing great, but when you said you have been on QBC many times, people who are completely relying on QBC, it turns into a disaster, so for those reasons, I am out. Now three sharks are left, Lori, Kevin, and Daymon left. Kevin gives him an offer! He offers $100k but for 50% of his company.  I think that is way too much to offer. Then Daymon offers him a deal! He offers $50k for 15%, but only if you can raise the rest from Lori and if she wants to do business with me. I think that might be a good deal, but Lori says, " No offense, Daymon, " but I don't need you, and my offer is $100k for 30%. Then Kevin changes his offer and says how about I give you $100k for a royalty of 50 cents per unit until 100k is repaid. But then again, Daymon changes his offer to $150k for 25%. But AGAIN, Lori changed her offer and asked for $100k but for 25%. So now, after they changed their offers, there are three. Which one is he going to take?

Lori's offer is $100k for 25%.yalty of 50 cents per unit until $100k is paid back.

Daymond's offer is $150k for 25%.

Ok, Lori changed her mind AGAIN! And matched the Daymonds deal! Then Daymond changed his mind too! He said $175k for %25. Once again, Lori changed her offer and said $275k for 25%. And Daymond said he couldn't match that anymore, so he's out. So now it's obvious who to pick! Lori is the deal I would so take. Then the guy asked if Lori would go down on the percentage and go down to 20% instead of 25%. She said yes, she will! Wow! Even if she hadn't said yes to going down to 25%, I would soooo take that deal! And in the end, he made Lori's offer! I think he did really well!

" Rich Dad, Poor Dad " Audiobook.

I have been listening to an audiobook story on Audible called " Rich Dad, Poor Dad. " It is about managing your money and not working for money but instead having money work for you. And understanding how it works and how to do that. It has been really good so far! I would so recommend it! It is called rich dad and poor dad because this kid in a small town whose father was poor and his friend's dad was rich, and the writer is the kid whose father was poor. And so his friend's dad has been teaching his kid and him how to manage your money and make money work for you, and the story is about that. And also, the rich dad's son is nine years old, and the poor dad's son is also nine. So pretty young and learning how to make money, but they are getting along and understanding well. 

Do you want to know how the poor dad got poor? And how the rich dad got rich? It's great how! So how the poor dad got poor is that he went to school. And went to college. And got good grades and won awards. You might be saying," What? He got good grades and went to college! How is that possible that he is poor from doing that?!". Well, let me try to explain; by going to school, what do you learn? You learn math, algebra, reading, science, Biology, writing, and history. Yeah, you learn a lot, but what don't you learn? Try to guess. How to manage your money, make a business, and get money working for you and not you working for money.  They teach you how to make money by working for money in school.
Well, you might say, why is that bad to work for money? Ok, well, let's say you have a job that you go to every morning, and you have to get up and eat, get dressed, go to work, come back, let's say around 6:00 PM, eat, get dressed, sleep, get up in the morning and do the same thing every day of your life—working for money. And your dreading to pay your taxes. Trying to save money. But also, when you get a raise, let's say, and you are really happy about that, and there is something that you have been saving up to get. And you buy that thing, and you get tired after a month. It's not exciting anymore! And you wonder, why did I buy this? That is what money does to you. It makes you greedy to want more and more! It was a great idea to buy it in your mind at the time, but after a while, you ask yourself again, why did I buy this?

And you want to know why college is bad to go to? Well, number one, college is crazy expensive! And you have to get loans to pay it off. And after you get the loans to pay for college, you buy books there to learn about math, etc. At the end of the day, you learn what? Well, this is what you don't learn. How to raise a business, how to manage money and do the things you love to do! Those things are super important to learn! If you want to be a doctor and get a degree, you need to go to college for that. Because let's say you went to a doctor's office and you need to have surgery done. And this doctor who is homeschooled and has been practicing how to be a doctor and didn't get a degree yet to be a professional doctor, well, I don't think you want him to be doing surgery on you! So do go to college if you want to be a doctor or other things that need to have a degree. But if you went to college just to get a good education, well don't go! I am not so anti-college because you do need to go to college to be a doctor and etc. But the things I have been saying, you probably think I am anti-college. But just know that I am trying to say don't go to college just for a good education. Go do homeschooling! 

Now back to what I was saying earlier. After you pay for your books at college and other stuff too, and it's time to pay up for the loans, you don't even have enough to pay for it! Some people have enough, but it will be hard to get through, and it's a waste of time! You can learn that when you are homeschooled, and even better, you can learn how to manage your money! And have money working for you! And it's free! You don't have to pay thousands of dollars! You don't have to go to college because you literally learn the same at home or wherever you are. It's pointless. I am not saying that learning math, science, etc. Is bad! I am not at all! Learning all those things is also important, but I am saying that learning how to manage your money and having money work for you instead of you working for money is important too! And you know what? That is how the rich dad got rich! He only did the math and all of that till 5th grade! I am not saying you should do that either at all! But that is what, in the story, the rich dad said about the 5th-grade thing. 

After you learn how to manage your money and already have money working for you, you don't have to wake up dreading paying your taxes, doing the same thing every day, and not learning anything. You can wake up and do a lot of different things every day! Learning more and more about money and how to manage your business better! And you can learn how to buy things that will help your business and not be something you want just because your neighbor has it or you think it's pretty cool to look at it. But sometimes you can buy something that you have always wanted! But you must be careful of how much of those things you buy. And even buying a Starbucks every day or every other day! Now I know I am only a 12-year-old saying all of this. But this is what I think and what I learned from the audiobook. And I am still learning more and more!

This is what I want to put at the bottom here. 

Don't go to college. Be homeschooled, learn what you're passionate about, and see what your talent is! You should always do the things you think you are really talented about! The things you love to do. God gave you and me and everybody a talent so we can do what we love and be praising him for it! And be faithful to him. Don't throw your talent away and do other things you don't like to do but only like because you get a lot of money. A talent is super special. " Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10. 

Thank you for reading my blog post. :)

Spanish Classes!

I have been taking online Spanish classes with my brother Simeon! There is this guy that actually looks so much like my Opa and he knows a lot of Spanish and he has zoom meetings with lots of random kids that want to learn Spanish! So we all meet on Zoom and he teaches us Spanish and we have to say what he just told us to say in Spanish, of course, he walks us through the words and makes sure we get and pronounce them correctly. 

We usually do the classes about two times a week. So far it has only been about three times of us in the class and I will write down what we have learned from three classes. Also, it might be weird what he was teaching us. But it is fun!

In Spanish:

Yo soy George. Yo soy chico. Yo soy no interesante. Yo soy normaal.Yo soy normaal chico. Tu' eres pizza. Tu' eres petey. Tu'eres petey la pizza. Tu' papa habla pizza. Tu' mama habla pizza. Tu' familia habla pizza. Mi mama no habla pizza. Mi papa no habla pizza. Mi Familia no habla pizza. Yo habla engles. Mi mama habla engles, mi papa habla engles mi familia habla engles. Es una situacion muy interesante!

In English:

I am George. I am a boy. I am not interesting. I am normal. I am a normal boy.  You are pizza. You are Petey. You are Petey, the pizza. Your mom speaks pizza. Your dad speaks pizza. Your family speaks pizza. My mom does not speak pizza. My dad does not speak pizza. My family does not speak pizza. I speak English. My mom speaks English, my dad speaks English, my family speaks English. This is a very interesting situation! 

So basically, the guy has us say all that to him in Spanish. He adds more words each time in class. And also I know everybody in the class because they are people in the choir! And from Simeon's choir too! Each class starts at 12:00 PM, so around lunchtime. It is so much fun to be in the classes. At first, it wasn't, but after a couple of classes, I got used to it!


It snowed over here! The last time it snowed was about two to three years ago. And it snowed like crazy last time! This time I feel like it snowed just as much as last time too! So it was a lot of snow! It happened about three days ago!

I woke up and looked out the window and I saw SO MUCH SNOW!! I was super excited and happy! I went to my brother's room and woke up Simeon saying" It snowed!!". Ezra was already awake and saying to me to not wake up Simeon. But I did it anyway because I just couldn't wait to tell him! He woke up and got out of bed and looked out the window, he was also excited but not as excited as I was about it when I first looked out the window.

It was about 6:50 in the morning when I looked out the window and saw the snow. And after I saw the snow, I went to my mom and dad's room to tell them but they were already awake so I asked if she could make some hot chocolate! And she said she would! The roads were full of snow so nobody could get out into their cars and drive. So I got some hot chocolate and then got my snow stuff on and got out there! And Sophie was also really excited and she got hot chocolate and also got some of her snow stuff on too and we both got out there. But it did take rather a long time to get ready to go out in the snow because I didn't have any snow shoes so my mom and dad got plastic bags and put them around my shoe and taped them so none of the snow would get through my shoe and soak them. And it did work! The whole day while I was playing in the snow, I didn't get my feet wet at all! So I was really happy about that! 

We had our neighbors over and played with them in the snow! We were trying to build a big wall of snow in the middle of the street. We weren't covering the whole street but just enough where cars can go past the wall of snow. And also we built it at the end of our street so basically still on our property. We had a lot of fun doing that! Even Ezra and Simeon went outside with us! There were a lot of kids playing now! We had seven neighbor kids come over and play with us. So now if including our family and the neighbor kids it would be eleven kids total. It was a lot of kids! We would throw snowballs at each other and then get revenge! It was just so much fun with everybody! 

Here are some pics!