Simeon's Graduating Soon!

Simeon will be graduating in August! Simeon is seventeen. We will have a party for him next Monday! And we are also celebrating our Oma's birthday too! And Gideons! And I will be making a cake! I might actually make cookies instead, but still deciding what I should do. And we will be going to the grand buffet on Monday too! There are so many things happening! I am very excited! And Gideon is coming too, and Risa and Caleb! And everybody is coming to our church too! And, of course, our Opa and Oma are coming! And for those who are asking why we call them Opa and Oma and not Grandpa and Grandma is because Opa and Oma are Dutch ways of saying it, so that's why. And they are Dutch. 

I will take a picture of whatever I make. But do tell me what I should make, either cake or cookies. 

Here's a pic of Simeon, who's graduating! I took it just now! Mwahaha.