I Made a Cake For Fourth of July!!

I made a cake that has the American flag on it, and we are going to be eating it this Friday because Fridays are the days we usually go with our friends to the lake club and have dinner. So I will be bringing it to the lake club Friday. It represents the Fourth of July. I am also hopefully going to be making another cake for fireworks at the lake club that we are also going to be going to. But that is next week, so I will wait a few days before making that cake. 

The cake is a spice cake. And I used cream cheese frosting! I LOVE cream cheese frosting because it just tastes soo good!! The funny thing is that I don't like cream cheese, but it does taste so good for frosting!! Regular butter frosting tastes too sweet for me. Cream cheese frosting is very sweet, but it is a lot better than regular frosting, in my opinion. So I used cream cheese frosting. I died it red, white, and blue and just piped it on! Oh, I forgot to say that for the cake I died it red, white and blue also but I didn't die one layer red and another layer white and the other layer blue. I died one layer of red, white, and blue. So it has a cool design in the middle! I have done it before with other colors, and it turned out great! So hopefully, it will look cool on the inside again for this cake. Here is a picture of the cake:

I will post another picture when we cut into it Friday so you can see the design in the cake. 

I Built a New Home For my Tortoise, Joy!

I built a new habitat for my tortoise, Joy! She loves it! I have kept her in there for most of the day every day. I take her in at night just in case an animal comes. I built it in my mom's garden area. It is an enclosed area. But I am still scared that an animal might climb over the fence and try to get the tortoise. I built it out of wood with some nails and just put it together. So far, the tortoise hasn't got out yet. It's a pretty big place. There are several spots for the tortoise to sleep. A rocky area, a bush area, and its little house also to sleep under. I have a big water area also. So it can take a bath or drink water. And I have a food bowl for it so it can eat. I feed it salad and some bell peppers or whatever I have. It can take walks around the area or sleep. It usually sleeps, though, all the time. It's so cute! 

I have a picture and a video to show you! Here they are:

I Played Violin For my Church!!!

Last Sunday, I played violin for our church! It was my brother Nicholas playing guitar and our friend, Abbygail, playing the piano and I playing the violin. Abbygail usually plays the violin, but since the person who plays the piano was gone on vacation with her husband, Abbygail took over because she is a perfect piano player. But when the people return from their vacation, Abbygail will go back to playing the violin, and we might play together for church. And apparently, they won't be back for about one month or so. 

Last Sunday was my first time playing for the church! It was a lot of fun! And it sounded great! And this Sunday, I will play again, hopefully.

 Nicholas is the one who picks out the music each Sunday for us. They have been easy to play so far. I have to practice every day, so I get it all right. Tuesdays, the church has bible study, and usually, everybody who is learning how to play an instrument comes, and we practice the songs for Sunday. So we get there, practice songs for church then, eat, then have bible study, then go home. Tuesday's Bible studies are really fun to attend. The Bible study itself is really great! I mean the dinner is too! But the Bible study is also great! :)

Thanks for reading this blog post! There will be more! :)

I Went to a Horse Expo!!

I went to a horse expo with my sister Noelle and her sister-in-law, Elliana. It was a lot of fun going there! There were a lot of different horses! They had such beautiful hair!! There was even archery too! That was probably my favorite thing to watch. Two girls around my age were on horses, and at a trot, they would have their bows ready and then shoot at the target. They would always hit the target and not miss. I took a lot of videos and pics of the expo. I will put them down here below. They would also have a show where they would bring out a lot of horses, then have them trotting around and around, and there would be a lady speaking into a microphone and talking about the horse and where it comes from. Near the end of the horse expo, they brought out beautiful Friesians! I also took pic and vid of that too! Here they are!

Last Day Of Spanish!!

Today is going to be the last day of Spanish!! I am going to be so sad when it's over! Well, we are starting up again at the end of August. But that's going to be so far away! :( And right now, I am in Coffee Theory writing this. We usually go to Coffee Theory on Tuesdays because that's the day we care for our dementia patient! :) So today, we are also going to be doing that! Well, back to Spanish class. :)

 So yesterday, we had Spanish class as usual, but this time he asked us if we liked songs, so we said yeah, we did, and then he put on a Spanish song for us then began to sing along with it. Then he went through the words he sang and asked us what does this mean or this means. Oh, and then in the story, we were supposed to be frustrated because we didn't have a Cocola. So we literally had to act like raging angry! Simeon and I did it and a few of the boys did it but the rest of the girls didn't do it because it would be too embarrassing. And I am going to have the Spanish class in the coffee shop, and I sooo hope we don't have to act frustrated! Because that would be embarrassing at the coffee shop! I am fine in our house doing it but not at a coffee shop. Just no. 

Can't wait, though, until the end of August! It's been so much fun doing Spanish Class! And during our break, we are supposed to be reading for two hours every week if we can. He said we didn't have to, but it would definitely help us with our Spanish a lot. 

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