I Got A $20 Dollar Amazon Gift Card!

I got a $20-dollar Amazon gift card from Amazon! It was because I bought a heat lamp for my tortoise! That company that I bought from was pretty new and they want me to review the heat lamp, and if I do then they will give me a $20-dollar Amazon gift card! And they also wanted me to take photos and videos if I could. And I did take a video of how it works and some photos too! So now all I have to do is write a review about it! And my review will be all five stars because it works pretty well! 

I am probably going to buy a how-to-learn music book if Amazon has the right one. And if they don't, then I will probably get a bookholder. I want a bookholder because whenever I have to do something and have to get up or if I am making something in the kitchen, I have to put my book down and then I can't be reading it while I am making something. But if I did have a bookholder then I can be reading while I am cooking or something! 

Amazon sent me the news through the mail. Here is a picture of the letter they sent me:

Here is also the video I made for the review!

My First MindMap

I have been working on a mind map with my dad! A mind map is all the things you are doing in your life or some things that you want to do and then you write it down on poster paper or wrapping paper and have it on the blank side so you can write stuff down on it. So I have been writing down all of what I have been doing and some other stuff that I want to do in the future. My dad has been helping me with it for a while and then he said, to try doing it by myself so I did but I couldn't think of anything else to put down since I think we put everything already. So we rolled up the paper and then put my name on it so I can remember that it was mine because Simeon also did the same thing as me and they look similar. Well, he wrote his words in all black but I wrote mine in different colors. I like the colors in mine! :)

About My Ballet Class Yesterday!

So yesterday was ballet again! Mrs.Teal said that we might be swans for the jungle book. But some of us said we didn't think that there were swans in the jungle book. But I don't think anybody would care. And also, the dresses that you get for being the swans are beautiful! So I hope there are swans in the jungle book! And even if there aren't, it would be fine right?

Mrs.Teal showed us a video of a ballet swan dance on Youtube. She said we might be doing that dance. She showed us how it's supposed to be and we tried it and well it didn't really go well. But after a while we kind of got it. She also said that we weren't going to be doing some of the hard moves and do similar but easier moves if it was too hard.

Here is the video she was talking about:

We crossed our hands like in the video and Mrs.Teal showed us how to do that too. It was this girl named, Arora and this other girl named, Paris. They and I did the crossed-arm thing. So it was just the three of us doing it because the others were too short and it would be harder to do it with them. And the others who were too short went with the other girls their height. So it worked. Well, ish, we were all not getting the timing right but that's because it was super hard to do that when in the video they were going super fast and getting it perfect. But getting perfect didn't matter of course because Mrs.teal just suggested if we wanted to do that or not. And also of course, we are just learning.

Well, bye-bye!

Get To Go To My Friends House And Have a Sleepover!!

I get to go to my friend's house the Garzas, and have a sleepover!! I haven't seen the Garzas for so long! It's been about 2 months or so since I have seen them! So that was actually way before Christmas since I last saw them! 

The reason why I haven't seen them in a while is that they moved away from our street to Red Bluff which is about a half hour away. And they moved to a ranch area so it is even longer to get to that part of Red Bluff. I miss them so much since I last saw them! I used to go to their house every day basically. But now it's like going to be every two or three months. Well, it wouldn't be actually if I did choir this semester but as I said in my other blog post, I am not going to be doing choir but only at Christmas times because I really wanted to go back to ballet and see how it feels again. But I miss my friends at choir. I love doing ballet though too!

Oh, and the reason why we are having a sleepover is that my parents are going to Alabama and seeing our brother Gideon for four days and then coming back. We are totally fine by ourselves at home but I really wanted to go to someone's house and have a sleepover while our parents were gone so my mom asked if Sophie and I could go over there for a sleepover!! And Mrs.Garza said that's totally fine! And we could even stay for two nights too if the first night works out. Two weeks until we actually have the sleepover though. But I am so happy we can even have one and see the Garzas!! We haven't even seen their house yet so that's going to be fun seeing the house!!

I have had three sleepovers in my entire life. Two with the Garzas and one with our other friends, the Phillips. I say that is a lot of sleepovers to have!

The Garzas are probably reading this right now actually! Hi if you are!

So excited to have a sleepover!!

I Got a Phone Case And a Phone Holder With Wallet!

Yesterday I got a phone case and a phone/wallet in the mail! I picked a galaxy color for both. I don't actually need a phone case because I already have one on my phone, but I just loved the galaxy color so I got it and the phone/wallet case too!

Here are some pictures!

Also, I don't have an iPhone but I have an iPod touch. So my phone is super tiny compared to like regular iPhones. But I love just it! It looks so cute in the phone/wallet case! Both things I bought were really cheap but work amazingly! The phone/wallet case has stuff so you can put your credit cards or money, or your ID card, and it has a phone case inside of it that is stuck on it so you can also have your phone too inside of the wallet basically! Oh, and it also works as a phone stand so if your watching a show or something, it holds it up for you so you don't have to put something behind the phone to hold it up!

The phone case is great too! It has two layers to the case so if you drop it, the phone itself wont touch the ground. Which is awsome! I love both of the things I got!!

Tell me if you like it! Bye! :)