Taking Care of My Neighbor's Dog For Two Days!!

I have been taking care of my neighbor's dog for two days! The dog is a German Sheperd, about almost 3, I think. Her name is Macie. She is a very sweet dog! She barks when anybody knocks on the door or rings the doorbell. She is a very protective dog. She won't bite anybody, but she will come straight for them and bark a bunch! When you see her coming towards you barking, you feel like she's going to bite! She knows not to, thank goodness!:) She knows me well because Sophie and I go to play with the girls there a lot. Macie barks at us only for about 4 seconds and then stops. She barks at strangers for a long time! When she barks at us, it's a high-pitched bark. When she barks at strangers, it's a deep bark. I think she just barks at us because she is happy to see us. She is a very cute dog! She does not jump up on us. Strangers maybe. 

Anyways so my friends had to go to Sacermento for two days and wanted to have me watch Macie while they were gone. ( We live down the street from them). Of course, I said sure! After they left, they told me to check on Macie tonight and feed her. When I was at their house, I took Macie outside of their backyard so she could go to the bathroom. After she did, I played with her out there so she could stretch her legs and get some exercise. Then I let her get some water, and after that, I put her back into the house and then made sure to lock everything, and then left. It's always nerve-racking that something bad will happen, like you forgot to lock something, but I did lock everything. The next day I came in the morning, and everything was fine. I fed her and played with her in the backyard and then gave her water and then locked everything, and came back home. Then in the afternoon, right when I was about to go to the house again, the owner Mrs.Garza, texted and said, "hey, I'm just on the internet and found a person that said there was a loose German Sheperd that's going around. Is Macie all right? I am sure it is not her, but can you just make sure?" I was so scared that Macie might have gotten out!! My legs were seriously shaking!! I told Mrs.Garza I did make sure to lock everything and that I would go over now and make sure she was still there! My heart was racing! If I didn't lock everything and Macie got out! Oh man, that would be bad! When I got to their house, I unlocked the door and called out Macie!! And Macie came straight to me!!! I almost died with relief!! So I texted back to Mrs.Garza that Macie was fine. She texted and said," Thank you for checking!" 

It's a lot of responsibility to take care of a dog! But I was glad to help!

Here is a picture of Macie!

About InShot.

I have been making videos on InShot. InShot is an app where you can make videos and all kinds of stuff that I am still learning how to do. Like you can make a really short video of yourself or anything and then make another video of something and then go to InShot and it will put it together. You can do it with photos too! And it does not cost anything to get the app or to put stuff together on InShot. Now that sounds crazy! I know! Because usually when you get an app on the App Store after you get it and you want to play it or do whatever, it will say if you actually want to play this then you have to pay money. But with this app, you don’t have to pay anything!

My friend Sophie and I have been doing dances to songs that we want on InShot. Today she wants to come over to my house and make some more videos. It’s really fun to learn dances and try to do them with your friend :). I did a video of me and my sister, Sophie, doing voices for dolls and acting as them and putting on a little show. It’s pretty cheesy. :)  and now I am working on one now of me doing dances one in a dinosaur suit and one just regular dancing. 

Here is the doll video I made. It’s not really good. 

Going to a Water Park!

On Thursday my friends and I are going to a water park in redding. 

I have never been to a water park before, so hopefully, it will be fun! I know what you might be thinking, going to a water park will be gross because there will be a lot of people and all that. But since my friends and I are going on a Thursday, many people don't go on Thursdays because of school or other such. And also we are going right in the morning. I think we have to be there by 10:00 and leave the house by 9:30. My friend's mom is taking us. 

I can't wait!! I wish it were going to be Thursday tomorrow instead of Tuesday. I feel like it's going to take a long time until Thursday!

I will probably make another blog post after I go to the water park. And hopefully, we will take lots of pictures and videos so I can show you guys! 

Well, I hope you had fun reading this! :) Bye!