Yesterday We Had Lots Of Fun!

Yesterday my friends and I went to the lake with a kayak but with no ors because we wanted to jump off the kayak and swim in the water. The kayak was a kid's kayak so we easily got tipped over and it was a lot of fun actually! I would love to do it again sometime! 

It was a very hot day so swimming in the lake felt so nice and refreshing! 

All the friends who brought me there were, Abbygail, Annabelle, Rosie, and of course their mom. My friend Rosie, her name is actually Rose but we call her Rosie. And my middle name is Rose. :)

After we played in the lake for an hour, two other families came. I came out of the water and tried to get warm because I was a little cold and there were no towels because we forgot to bring some. So I just laid in the sun and my friend Abbygail also was trying to get dry. So we sat there watching other families play. And when we left the lake we went back to my friend's house and I asked my mom if I could have dinner there and she said yes. We had pizza for dinner! I love pizza!! They were very tiny mini pizzas so we each had two and after we ate our two we were still hungry so we had bread with butter. :) 

They had their grandma there and she said I should come on fat night. Fat night is on a Friday and you clean up all day intell like dinner time I think or a little bit sooner and then after dinner, they eat basically junk food and then play video games and stay up pretty late. And the grandma is going to make a really good dessert for fat night. I kinda forgot what's its's called but it's something to start like sweet and salty or something like that. I told the grandma I have never tried it before and asked what it was and she said " You never tried it before? It's super good! It's chocolate and then a cracker and then homemade caramel ". And told me I should definitely come for fat night and taste it! It sounds sooo good!!! And I asked my mom and she said yes and I can stay there intell 9 a clock! Now I can't wait for tomorrow cause tomorrow's fat night!

I Really Want To Be a Photographer!

I love taking pictures and then editing them! 

My brother Simeon is a really good photographer I think. :)  He is teaching me how to edit and take really good pictures and different angles and stuff like that! I am really thankful that Simeon is teaching me how to use and showing me buttons on the camera.

And now I am starting to take pictures for my mom's website/store. 

Here is a picture of me holding the moon. It looks pretty cool! 

And there are other pictures on Simeon's Instagram account.

Here is a picture of me that is taking a picture of my mom. :)

Simeon and I this morning at 5:00 AM woke up got dressed and brought the camera outside and waited a little bit for the sun to rise and then take really cool pictures. The reason why is because sunrises and sunsets are the perfect time to take really cool and pretty pictures. So we did that. And we did get actually really good pictures. I am really happy with it! :)

Why Do Wolves Howl At The Moon?

Why do wolves howl at the moon? Good question! Here are the reasons why:

Wolves howl at night because of a hail to hunt or as a territorial expression. A howl can even help a lost wolf find its way back home. Howls can inform the pack of its location. That's pretty cool that wolves can do so much with just howling!! 

Some people think that wolves howl as behavior directed at the moon. 

You always see it in cartoons and other shows that have a wolf howling at the moon and turning into a wolf savage or something. Sorry but that actually is not true of course. :) And also sorry I have seen a couple of shows that have a wolf howling at the moon and then turning into something. :) That's why I said that.

I really like wolves. They are so beautiful with their color fur and they seem actually kinda cute to me!

Here is a picture of two beautiful wolves that I really like:

Black and White Wolves

What Our Names Mean.

I am writing about all of our names. And by all of our names, I mean what our name means in the bible. 

Here it is:

Sophie's name means " Wisdom ". 

Johanna's name means " God is Gracious ".

Ezra's name means " Help or Helper ". 

Simeon's name means " To Be Heard ".

Gideon's name means " One Who Cuts Down ".

Noelle's name means " The Lord's Birthday ".

Nicholas's name means " Victory Of The People ".

Caleb's name means " Whole Hearted ". 

Jonathan's name means " God Has Given ".

And my Dads name also means " God has Given ". And my mom's name means " Born Again ".

I am super thankful that my mom and dad named all of my siblings and me such wonderful names! (:

Thank you, mom and dad! I love you!! 

A Naughty Squirrel!

My Oma and Opa sent Sophie and I a letter. Sophie’s said to right a story about this naughty squirrel eating the bird feeder seeds. And my Oma drew a picture of it.

Here it is:

Here is my story that I wrote about the squirrel.

Once upon a time there lived a fat squirrel in a forest.

The reason why he was so fat is because he kept eating 

so much food every day and he was always hungry. He 

would not save some for the winter because he just

kept eating it. So one winter cold day he went out to 

look for food but he could not find any! Then he thought

maybe my friends would like to share some food with

me. So he went to his friends house. He asked if he 

can have some food because he had none for 

the winter. But they said “no way I am going to share 

with you because you always take our food and you

eat your food that is supposed to be saved for the winter. 

you are a selfish squirrel!”

“Fine said the squirrel I will find some other food to have then!”

So he started out again to find food! 

He did find food. And in the summer he was hungry again

and he asked his friends again and they told him “ No! You 

are a selfish squirrel! Then the squirrel again set out to find food 

he searched and searched and finally he found a bird feeder

then he hoped on top and grabbed a hole bunch of seeds 

and then ran away. Some animals where near by and 

was watching him and they said” when will he ever learn!”

The End.