I Got a Classiscal Guitar!

I got a classical guitar! 

I have been learning guitar. I got this app called" Simply Guitar".  It learned me all different types of chords you can do for songs. And I learned almost all of the chords you can play. I am still doing simply guitar. But I have been mostly searching up songs on YouTube. 

I did learn a song but the hardest thing about playing the guitar is probably switching between each chord. And that's the problem I am having with the song. So technically I am still learning. I already like playing the guitar! 

My brother Nicholas is also is learning how to play the guitar. He has an acoustic guitar they sound the same to me so I guess they are? I think they are but one just sounds a bit differently. 

He already knows how to play a lot of songs and it sounds really good!! I can't wait to learn how to play the guitar and play lots of beautiful songs. I also really want to learn how to read sheet music! That would be great! I practice the guitar every day! I play on it for about ten minutes in sessions of the day each day. 

I learned almost all of the chords on the guitar. So I have been searching for very easy and nice songs to play on YouTube. I clicked on a video that looked easy to play but it was a little hard still. 

I can also play Happy Birthday! Well, not all of it just a little bit. It sounds pretty good though! 

Here is a picture of my Classical guitar and a few videos of a little bit of what I can play on the guitar. 

Dark Headed Dragon of The Raccoon Key.

Coyote Paterson is in Florida Keys. And is going to a island called” Raccoon Key”. 

They made it! Coyote Peterson feel’s like he is on another planet when he is walking on the Island. The ground is super dense.

 Coyote found a really big pond! All of it looks like rock at the bottom. But as he goes a little bit farther it’s beginning to get a little muddy. He looks into the water. He sees an iguana! Coyote Peterson thinks it might be dead. So he puts his hands in the water very slowly and gets a nice hold on the iguana. And sure a nuff it’s defiantly alive! It is a green iguana. It’s really beautiful. And really cool looking! It has sharp claws and spikes that is on its back.  Iguana does great in saltwater. Iguanas are really good swimmers. He let go of the iguana into the water. Then he found another one. You can tell it was not the same one because this one had a darker type of green. Iguanas will hide out in a bush and when they hear something coming towards them then they will go into the water and hide out there intel the thing or animal goes away. The one that they caught was a little smaller than the other one. He let go of the iguana into the water. He went to go and look for more cool stuff and other types of animals he could find. 

He found another iguana!!

Green iguanas can hold their breath for close to 30 min. 

 This one was defiantly bigger than the other two. This iguana's skin color was almost like yellow. It has a very long tail! In full length, the iguana is about 4 feet long!  

Coyote Peterson named the iguana “ Dark Headed Dragon of the Raccoon Key”. And then let it go back into the water.

We Just Finished Sewing The Bags!

We just finished sewing the bags! Mine and Sophie Phillips look really good!! I am really happy with it!

The hardest thing about sewing the bag for me is probably getting the lines straight when you are sewing on the machine. When I go really fast on the machine I feel like it's actually easier to get the lines straight when going fast. But sometimes I don't really get them straight. When you are doing the inside of the bag it does not really matter if you don't get the lines straight because nobody is going to look inside the bag at the lines and say they did a horrible job.:)

The easiest part for me while doing the bag is probably lining the fabric up with the foot on the machine. 

I just love sewing!! It's soo much fun!!

Here is a video of the bag I made:

I don't have a picture or a video of Sophie Phillips's bag unfortunately. But her bag looks really good!!! 

The next project is going to be pajama pants and I am so excited!! I can't wait!! I will definitely take a picture of me in them when we do the pajama pants.:)

Sewing Class, Western Bag.

In two more days, my friend Sophie Phillips and I are going to be finish sewing a bag. A couple of weeks ago we did the sewing class and we cut lots of the fabric. Cutting fabric takes a lot of time. We did get to do a lot of sewing also. We did not get to finish the bag yet but a day after tomorrow we are going to finish it. I can't wait!! I am really excited!! 

My type of fabric is western. So the main part of the bag is cowgirls and cowboys. And the pocket and the straps are going to be a type of blue that's western. It looks really pretty and I am really happy with it. 

Sophie Phillips's main part of the bag is going to be all black and then the pocket and the straps are going to be really tiny flowers that are red. It looks really pretty!! 

When we are finished with the bag, the next project we are going to be doing is pajama pants. We get to pick out flannel fabric! I don't know what color I want my pajama pants to be, but I think I am going to have western also just like my bag. I just love western things.

Here is the pajama pants project:

I Have Been Doing Cooking Class With my Friends!

Two days ago I went to a cooking class with my friends. Noelle's friend Hannah is doing the cooking class. She is a really good cooker. We made this week mac - cheese. It was really good!! Hannah has her class every two times a month. We might have my sister Noelle come to one of her classes but she can teach us how to do art on cakes and Hannah can teach us how to bake and make a cake taste super good! That would be awesome if she could come!!

Here are the ingredients to make the Mac- cheese sauce.

I love making desserts! There are two reasons why I love making desserts. Number one is that it's so much fun to make it! Number two I love to eat it! :) 

After we make the food at Hannah's house we clean up a little bit and then we just talk if we have extra time before my dad picks us up.

Hannah has two dogs. One of the dog's names is Ace and it's a male. And the other dog's name is Scout. Scout is a female and she loves to be under blankets a lot. Scout is a Dachshund. I forgot what type of dog Ace was. But they are really cute! And whenever we have extra time we also play with the dogs. 

Next week we are doing another cooking class. And we are making lasagna. I love lasagna!! But one of my friends does not like lasagna and she does the cooking class with me. So maybe I can have hers if she does not like it!:) I am really excited about it. I can't wait!!