The Pool is Awesome!

Pool opened about three weeks ago or more. It is so much fun going there! Today my friend Sophie and I and her brother Sawyer and my sister Sophie and my mom and dad are going to the pool! 

Last Saturday, my mom and dad and my sister Sophie and I went to the lake club because there was a band going on! My friends, the Rameriezs and the Phillips where also there! We went to the pool while the parents hung out at the deck talking. Our parents could see us from the deck so they can watch us. We swam until the pool closed and then we went where our parents were and then going in the game room which is inside the lake club and played pool. My first turn I got two balls in! I was really happy! :) 

After about 20 mins my family had to go so I said bye to my friends and left. When I got home our power was out and that night was really hot!! So we couldn’t have the fan on! We could not sleep. When it was 10:30 PM the power came back on and we got the fan on and slept  great! I don’t know what caused the power to go out.