The Rodeo Was Awsome!!

About a week ago I went to a rodeo with Cameron and Noelle and Cameron’s sister Eliana. It was on a Friday night. A hour before we went to the rodeo we were sitting in the car waiting for Cameron because he was getting tacos for us at Taco Bell. It took about 40 mins! Cameron wanted to be early to the rodeo so when he came back from getting tacos he hopped back into the car and drove pretty crazy! We were trying to not to get food on ourselves and soda too! I did get some soda on my pants but it was fine.

We got our tickets! And now we had to go sit somewhere. We got to our seats. 

Cameron kept on disappearing to get food and drinks like in the middle of the rodeo. He got the drinks from the car and the food from the rodeo. 

There was barrel racing, bull riding, ect. 

When they were bull riding after the bull flung the person off the bull trotted to where the people were and literally jumped up and over the gate. Everybody was freaking out! The bull went to tTurtle Bay bridge! Turtle Bay bridge was right next to the rodeo. Nobody got seriously hurt but one person did at Turtle Bay bridge and had to get sent to the hospital. Thankfully we were not where the bull jumped over the gate! 

Here is a video where the bull jumped over the gate!

My favorite part was the bull fighting!

There was a painted horse that I really liked. I don’t know why I love the breeds so much! But I do! :)