I Made A Cake!

I made a cake two days ago. 

But I messed it up. I messed up on the frosting part. How I did it was I think I put too much butter or didn’t let it mix longer and just did something with it. The texture of the frosting was like eating butter. I really didn’t like it. I really wanted to redo it but I couldn’t because I just went out of the powdered sugar. So I just left it how it was and put a pretty design on it. 

Here is the picture of the cake!

The cake itself I didn’t really like too because just something about it. Well I did kind of messed up on the recipe. I was putting all the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl like it said and when I was still putting the dry ingredients, I accidentally put the milk in! And I didn’t want to throw away anything so I left it like that. I was pretty sure it was ok. But when I tasted it I think it was just not fluffy enough. I don’t know. I still ate it because it wasn’t too bad. 

And the next time I make a cake I want to put some lemon in it or something instead of a plane white cake. And I want to get fondant for the cake so it will be nice and smooth! And not mess up on the frosting and put a beautiful design for the cake with the frosting!

This week and last week I made, two batches of donuts, carrot cake, and the white cake that I just made too. 

I have a picture of the carrot cake I made!

The carrot cake was really good!!

Whenever I just finished baking something or decorating something I just want to bake another thing! And I don’t really want to eat it, I just want to bake and decorate! Actually that could be a great t-shirt or apron! I just want to bake and decorate!!

Listening to," The Green Ember" series!

I have been listening to," The Green Ember" series! All the books are really good!! I am almost done with all the series though. :( A few people died in it and I actually started to almost cry!! And when I mean people, I mean rabbits! Its a AMAZING story it just has rabbits instead of humans.

I get so sucked in to it that I am going to be so sad when its done!! :( In one book they left it at a cliff hanger!! We already had the next book after that because my family already bought it on Audible. I was so eager to listen to the next one! After I finished that one I was a little sad because somebody died and that person( meaning rabbit ) was a good person. But if you listen to it, I will guarantee you will feel sad when that person dies! But anyways its such a good series to listen too!!

If you have not listened to it please listen to it now! :) Its probably my favorite book series!

If you go on YouTube and search up, the green ember songs. There is songs about a rabbit named Picket. First go and listen to the story then go on YouTube and search it up. But it is just so much fun to listen to!

Making my First Batch of Donuts

I made my first batch of donuts yesterday! And today I made it again! They taste really good!! I am really happy about it!

They were really easy to make too! I did have a little bit of trouble with the dough. I thought the dough was too thick. But I still did it without adding anything else to make it better. And they still tasted really good! Today I made it and the dough was perfect! I love making it now! I made my donuts that were with chocolate and powdered sugar! One batch would be with powdered sugar and the other with chocolate. They are just so good!!

Here is the recipe!             

1 cup warm milk.                                

1 large egg.

1/8 cup sugar.

2 tsp yeast.

2 and 3/4 cups bread flour.

1/2 tsp salt.

2 tbsp butter.

In a mixing bowl add, milk, egg, sugar, and yeast. Then mix. Then add bread flour and salt and mix until doughy. Then add butter and of course mix it. Mix it for about 4 mins and then take out and cover and proof for 1 hour or until doubled its size. After it's done, punch all air out of it and shape it into donuts. Get a small pot and pour olive oil. about 2 cups or more. It depends on the size of the pot. How you know it's ready to be put in oil is, get a little bit of water in your hand and sprinkle it on top of the oil and see if it makes a sort of like this crackling sound then you know its ready! When the donuts are a little bit crispy brown that's when you know it's also ready! :) Then if you have chocolate chips in your house you can melt those and drizzle them on or do it however you want! Or if you want to put powdered sugar just sprinkle it on! Do whatever you want with your donuts!!

Here is a picture of me just finished doing some donuts!!

Cutting my Brothers Pants and Made Them Into Shorts!

I cut my brothers pants and made them into shorts!

Me and my friend Sophie was at Sophie’s grandmas house learning how to do scrunches! But I actually brought some of my brothers pants to cut into shorts. He asked me too. 

It was pretty easy doing it, it just took an hour each. Because Simeon gave me three pairs of pants for me to cut them into shorts. The reason why it took a long time is well first you have to measure and then cut them. And then you have to fold the ends of the shorts and mesure it and iron it. And then to it again. And then sew it all. I know it sounds easy but it’s not in my case!

 Simeon said he would pay me for it. But he gave me $5 for all. Not just each short but for all! I told him it should I least be $10 dollars or more for all! But he said “no. That’s way to much!” So I said fine! 

Anyways, I did have some trouble with the measuring and had to do it again. But after I finished doing all the shorts I felt good and tired! I also made some scrunches too! Scrunches take about 5 mins! It was fun doing those! I made only two of them because I didn’t have enough time. Sophie’s grandma was going to take us back soon. 

Here is a picture of the scrunches and the shorts!