Listening to," The Green Ember" series!

I have been listening to," The Green Ember" series! All the books are really good!! I am almost done with all the series though. :( A few people died in it and I actually started to almost cry!! And when I mean people, I mean rabbits! Its a AMAZING story it just has rabbits instead of humans.

I get so sucked in to it that I am going to be so sad when its done!! :( In one book they left it at a cliff hanger!! We already had the next book after that because my family already bought it on Audible. I was so eager to listen to the next one! After I finished that one I was a little sad because somebody died and that person( meaning rabbit ) was a good person. But if you listen to it, I will guarantee you will feel sad when that person dies! But anyways its such a good series to listen too!!

If you have not listened to it please listen to it now! :) Its probably my favorite book series!

If you go on YouTube and search up, the green ember songs. There is songs about a rabbit named Picket. First go and listen to the story then go on YouTube and search it up. But it is just so much fun to listen to!