My brother Caleb And His Girlfriend Got Engaged!!

Here is the whole story on how and where they got engaged! 

Caleb’s girlfriends name is Risa. It was Risa’s birthday. So Caleb brought her to this AMAZING!! Mountain! My brothers set everything up for them like a table with two chairs that where just absolutely beautiful!! There was actually a little platform literally on this huge mountain!! So that was perfect for them to sit and eat.

They had dinner and dessert. I forgot what was the dinner but I do know a little bit of what the dessert was. It was like this really cool French pear thing. I totally forgot the name of it. But it looked really good! But anyways after they got their dinner and desert, Caleb asked Risa if she would stand up. And after she did Caleb stood on one knee and asked her to marry him and of course she said yes!! After that they stood and watched the sunset. And then after that, :) a helicopter came and picked them up and came all the way back to the lake California airport. And that’s where we where and Risa’s family where, waiting for them. AND after ttthhaat, they came to our house and we all sat by the fire and ate some shrimp. 

Here is a video of my brother Simeon made of them. But my brother Jonathan got all of the footage. And Simeon but together it and added a really good song.

I just love it so much!