I Went to The Mall With my Friends!

Yesterday we went out with Sophie Philip's mom and my mom and Abby's mom in a car. The car that we went in was Abby's mom's car. It had eight seats in it. And there are six of us. On the way to the tea place, we played a car game. So everybody starts out on the letter A. And goes all the way to Z. We look at signs and if t starts with a letter A then you can move on to B. It has to start with A not something that has an A in it but has to start with the letter you are on. We taught Abby how to play. She understood us and she was really good at it. 

 The tea place is our favorite place. It was for Abby's birthday. There are smoothies there. I got an Almond Strawberry Frost. It's really good. They put a strawberry at the very top and some crushed almonds too. My friend Sophie got the same thing. My other friend Abby got a Mint frost one. That one is also very good I have had it before. There's food there. You can get lunch their dinner there and breakfast I think. 

We took pictures when we were at the tea place and at the mall.

After that my sister Noelle came and she went with us to the mall. We looked at a bunch of stuff like, shoes, dresses, earrings, and we went on the escalator and the elevator. It was so much fun going on the escalator. That was probably the most fun thing I have ever done in the mall before. When we got back I looked at the time and we spent almost five hours.