I Might get a Youtube Account

I might get a youtube account. My mom says if I do get a youtube account then it has to be about singing. I said yes it will be about singing because I love singing songs. I am going to record myself singing.

When I was 4 years old I use to hide in a room and sing by myself. My sister Noelle and my mom told me that. I am still practicing songs right now.

Last Tuesday I ask Mrs.Doomer if my friend Sophie and my other friend Merisa and I can do a duet. She said yes we can and we have to practice a lot. She said we can do the " Lost is Found" song. I was so excited. I just love that song like crazy. Every day I am going to try to record myself singing. And put it in here.

Celebrating Valentine's Day at Choir

Yesterday was choir. We did a celebration for Valentine's Day. 

Last Tuesday Mrs.Doomer said we can bring anything for Valentine's Day. So yesterday I brought two different packs of lip balms. One was Chocolate Cherry lip balm and the other was Vanilla Dust lip balm. My favorite one was Vanilla Dust. It smelled the best to me. We put a verse on it. It says: 

" My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to you". (Psalm 71:23)

Mrs.Doomer said there is a bag on each seat so we can put the snacks in our bags. We wrote our names on it. So Mrs.Doomer said everybody get off the seats and come to the back and sit on the floor so other people can put snacks in our bags. Mrs.Doomer said how this works is I am going to say who brought these candy's or cards and that person who brought them has to put it in other people's bags. So I put the lip balms that I brought in other people's bags. When I put it in their bags their faces looked perplexed. And then when they smelled the lip balm they said it smelled really good and they love it so much.

My friend Sophie brought Airhead candies. They were really good. 

And my other friend Merisa brought oranges. Because her mom couldn't find any Valentine's candy at the store so she just got oranges instead. 

We had so much fun!

We got Singing papers in Our Binders at Choir!

We got singing papers in our binders at choir three days ago. And next Tuesday we are going to get more singing papers. I can't wait! One of the singing papers that we are going to do for our performance is called "Lost is Found" by Doug Planks. It's my favorite song of the choir.

My friend Sophie was not at choir because she had a headache. And that was the day we got singing papers. 

Mrs.Doomer said when we sing in the performance we have to use our head voice. The chest voice is deeper sounding than the head voice. I like to use my head voice.

I am going to do a little part of the song by myself in the "Lost is Found" song. I have been practicing for a long time. And when I do my chores in the morning I listen to it.

Another Girl Named Joanna at Choir

Six days ago was choir. Mrs.Doomer's son's birthday was six days ago too. For his birthday, we had little snacks that were for everyone. It was so good. And the boy was turning 9 years old. For his present, he got a big balloon. And there was a puppy walking around with him in the grass. So I think that was also his birthday present. I wish I had a  puppy for my birthday so I can take it out on walks and play with it.

And when we had 10 more min left before the choir ended our teacher said we could go to the park. The park was right next to the choir, so we just walked there. Everybody wanted to play tag, so we did. And there was another girl named Joanna, not Johanna, with an h. And when she heard my name she was so surprised that she said hi and she shook my hand and then she said I can't believe your name is Johanna. I can't believe her name is Joanna because I haven't met anybody named Joanna. I have only met a couple of baby's named Joanna but not a girl close to my age named Joanna.

I love choir! It is so much fun to sing with other kids.

Mrs.Doomer said if anybody wants to do a solo for the performance, then they can. My mom wants me to do a solo. I do want to do a solo, but I also don't because it will be very scary doing it by myself. So I really wanted to do a duette with my friend Sophie.

At Choir: So Much Fun to Say in a Singing Voice "I Have the Puppet"

Yesterday I went to my first choir session. My friend Sophie and my other friend Marisa joined the choir with me. I was so excited when I heard my friends were going to be there too. 

Our teacher's name was Mrs. Doomer. At the beginning of the class, she had us draw ourselves on a piece of paper and tell us about ourselves. 

Mrs. Doomer made up a song. I forgot the words to it, but it was fun. And for our performance, we will do a song called "He's Got the Whole World in his Hands". I already know it. And I love that song.

And then we made a wind storm. Mrs. Doomer split us into two groups, so one group is going to be stomping and whirling with their mouths, and the other group is going to be clapping and whirling with their mouths too. 

And after we made the wind storm Mrs. Doomer made-up words and then made it up into a song. It was so much fun doing the songs. And some were funny. 

And then we took a break outside to play tag, but it was way too cold for me. And after we only had about 15 more min before it ended. So Mrs. Doomer brought out one horse puppet. So the game was that she was going to sing. " who has the puppet " and then she would pick anybody out of the first row, and she would give it to her or him and they would say in a singing voice " I have the puppet " So she picked everybody in the first row one by one. I got to do it and so did my two friends. It was so much fun to say in a singing voice " I have the puppet ". 

Every Tuesday we go to the choir. It starts at 1:00, and it ends at 2:15. I wish I could go to choir every day.