The Japanese Toad is Very Toxic!

Coyote Peterson is in Tottori Prefecture in Japan. He is trying to find a Japanese toad. He found one!

Coyote Peterson said he does not know if the Japanese toad is a male or a female that he caught.

He said the females grow larger than the males.

The Japanese toad eats any " Arthropod" or " Crustacean" that they can come across in forests. Crustacean means any insects that have sheals like crawdads and shrimp and stuff like that. Arthropod means the same thing I think.

Coyote Peterson said the Japanese toad is always on the move. It does not really hop it only hops if it feels like it going to be eaten or something. The frog was fine on Coyote Petersons' hands and it did not look like it wanted to hop at all it was just walking nicely on his hands. 

Coyote Peterson said the Japanese toad has great eyesight in the dark and during the day. It does not have really any pretenders because its skin is very toxic. So if a predator comes and tries to eat the frog it can smell very bad so the pretenders would go away. And can spray this white toxic stuff. If it gets into your mouth or eyes, what it would do is if it sprays you in the eyes then your eyes will hurt a lot and it will be itchy for a while. If it gets into your mouth it will taste very bad and I think it will hurt your mouth a lot. I would never want to do that at all.