The Leaf Mantis Looks Just Like a Leaf

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called." Incredible Leaf Mantis". 

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is in Costa Rica. He is trying to find a Leaf Mantis. He found a Leaf Mantis! I never knew what a Leaf Mantis was intell I saw one.

The colors on Leaf Mantises are all green with one black circle near the face with yellow around it.

 Coyote Peterson said Leaf Mantises are very strong. The Leaf Mantis that Coyote Peterson found is very camouflaged in the leaves. The Leaf Mantis looks just like a leaf. Coyote Peterson said the Leaf Mantis waits for an insect to come by, grabs it with its mandibles, and then crushes it. Then he eats it. The Leaf Mantis eats anything that it comes across. The big Leaf Mantises eat frogs and lizards. The Leaf Mantis bit Coyote Peterson on the finger. He said the Leaf Mantis is very hard to find because they are so camouflaged in the leaves. It has very good eyesight. Coyote Peterson said the Leaf Mantis is very smart because it knows how to wait for the insects. He also said that you could almost see what it's thinking in its head. Coyote Peterson said he always loved prey mantises since he was a little kid. 

The Cat Eyed Snake is Venomous

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called." Cat Eyed Snake".

Here is the video:

 Coyote Peterson is in Costa Rica. Coyote Peterson is trying to find a Cat Eyed snake. He found a Cat Eyed snake. He said the reason the snake is called Cat Eyed snake is that the eyes on the snake look just like cat-eye. The Cat Eyed snake has big eyes and it has great vision. 

The top of the Cat Eyed snake is all brown with black dots and on the belly side is all white. 

My favorite snake might be a Cat Eyed snake because it looks like it has cat’s eyes and I love cats. And I love its color. I really wish I could have a snake because I would like to feed it and I would maybe take it out of its aquarium and hold it. I am not that scared of snakes. I am only scared of snakes that are venomous because I don't want to take a bite or else I would have to go to a hospital. 

What the Cat Eyed snake eats are little frogs. The Cat Eyed snake looks just like a leaf. So if a frog was just sitting on leaves and it didn't notice the snake the frog would be eaten. 

The Cat Eyed snake is venomous. The snake looks like it's one and a half feet long. 

Leptodiera septentrionalis Costa Rica - zoomedJPG
By <a href="//" title="User:Stevenj">Steven G. Johnson</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

If I had Been Riding Bareback I Would Have Fallen Off

Coyote Peterson is at Ranches at Belt Creek Montana. Coyote Peterson loves horses. He likes to ride bareback on a horse better than ridding on a horse with a saddle.  I love horses too. I like to ride them. My sister Noelle likes to go bareback on a horse. She used to train horses. And she takes me to the horses and she lets me ride one by myself. And I learned how to trot and it's lots of fun! I have tried to go bareback but I like going with a saddle more than going with no saddle because it's scarier. It's not as easy to make it stop or change directions and it feels like your going to fall off. 

The names of the horse that Coyote Peterson is going to ride is named Dorito. Marks horse is named Blackjack. Mario's is named sunny. 

Coyote Peterson said his favorite horses are painted horses. painted horses are not actually painted it's just a type of horse. painted horses are so beautiful. The color on a painted horse is all brown with white on them. painted horses are my favorite too.

I really wish I could go on a horse trail with Coyote Peterson someday. It would be very fun if I did go on a horse with Coyote Peterson. I would ride with him because he can control the horse better than me. One time I was riding a horse and another horse was being ridden and my horse got hyper because it saw the other horse running. And it wanted to run too. And when my horse was running I got scared and I almost fell off the horse. And then I polled the rains and it stopped. If I had been riding bareback I would have fallen off. Coyote Peterson looked like he could control the horses. 

The Japanese People Collect And Trade Stag Beetles

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."Pinched by a Giant Stag Beetle".

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is trying to find a Stag Beetle. He found a Stag Beetle! The Stag Beetle that Coyote Peterson found is a male. He said the males get bigger than the females. I do not like any beetles. They are so disgusting to me because they are so wiggly. 

Coyote Peterson said there are many species of Stag Beetles. He also said he doesn't know exactly what Stag Beetle species he is holding. The front of the Stag Beetles color is all black with a bit of yellow. Coyote Peterson wanted to see how painful the bite from the Stag Beetle. So he was going to get chomped by the Stag Beetle. The Stag Beetle has two mandibles in the front. Coyote Peterson said where they get their name from is their mandibles in the front. The mandibles look so scary to me. When Coyote Peterson got chomped, he said it did not break skin, and it did not really hurt. He also said Stag Beetles only come out around September and October to breed. Stag Beetles can fly a little bit. 

Stag Beetles eat only fruits. I am surprised that Stag Beetles eat only fruit. Their mandibles are for fighting other males. The Stag Beetles are very strong. And they have little hooks on their legs. The hooks look like a fishing hook. Coyote Peterson said the hooks on the Stag Beetle hurts more than the bite. The hooks on the legs are for balance. The Japanese people collect and trade Stag Beetles.

The Bromeliad Boa Snake Can Constrict Their Prey

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."Sneaky Banana Boa".

Here is the video:

 Coyote Peterson is in Costa Rica. He is trying to find a Bromeliad Boa snake. When he found the Bromeliad Boa snake he thought it was just a Boa Constrictor snake. But it was a Bromeliad Boa snake. he had never caught one in the wild before. Coyote Peterson said the Bromeliad Boa snake is not venomous at all. He also said that the snake does not bite that much. So he put the Bromeliad Boa snake on his face to show that you don't half to be afraid of it. I Wouldn't do that at all if I were him. Because it still would get me a little scared because I don't want it to bite me at all or go in my ear. It's small enough to go in my ear. 

The color of the Bromeliad Boa snake is all brown with black dotes. Near the head, there's a black, line. The colors on the snake are very cool to see. 

Coyote Peterson was shaking a lot. He said the reason he was shaking is that he was very excited to see a Bromeliad Boa snake in the wild not because he was afraid of the snake. Coyote Peterson said the Bromeliad Boa snake eats small lizards and small frogs. The snake is a very good balancer when it's up in trees. The Bromeliad Boa snake can constrict their prey. Any insects that come around the snake will be eaten by the snake.

 Coyote Peterson said where they get their name Bromeliad Boa snake is from hiding in plants like the Bromeliads. I never knew that Bromeliad were plants. 

The females grow a bit larger than the males do. The snake was about two feet in length. Coyote Peterson said the snake was the maximum size. 

It's pretty cool that the Bromeliad Boa snake can constrict their prey.