The Japanese Toad is Very Toxic!

Coyote Peterson is in Tottori Prefecture in Japan. He is trying to find a Japanese toad. He found one!

Coyote Peterson said he does not know if the Japanese toad is a male or a female that he caught.

He said the females grow larger than the males.

The Japanese toad eats any " Arthropod" or " Crustacean" that they can come across in forests. Crustacean means any insects that have sheals like crawdads and shrimp and stuff like that. Arthropod means the same thing I think.

Coyote Peterson said the Japanese toad is always on the move. It does not really hop it only hops if it feels like it going to be eaten or something. The frog was fine on Coyote Petersons' hands and it did not look like it wanted to hop at all it was just walking nicely on his hands. 

Coyote Peterson said the Japanese toad has great eyesight in the dark and during the day. It does not have really any pretenders because its skin is very toxic. So if a predator comes and tries to eat the frog it can smell very bad so the pretenders would go away. And can spray this white toxic stuff. If it gets into your mouth or eyes, what it would do is if it sprays you in the eyes then your eyes will hurt a lot and it will be itchy for a while. If it gets into your mouth it will taste very bad and I think it will hurt your mouth a lot. I would never want to do that at all.

Lizards, Butterflies, and Other Animals that we Found

A year ago when it was summer my friend Sophie and I would go down our hill and look for flowers together and butterflies. It was so much fun! And after we picked a lot of flowers we would give some to our neighbors. I can't wait till summer comes again. 

One time my friend and I caught a bunch of butterflies and put them in a box. We thought maybe they can mate and have more butterflies but my mom said we can't keep them because they will die and we would have to feed the butterflies too. I said we have flowers to put in the box and they can have all they want of the pollen on the flowers. We put them in a shoebox with lots of flowers and we put window holes in it for the butterflies to see in the box and make it bright. We did that for a couple days and they still survived. Then we decided to let them go.

We also caught lots of lizards last year too. We only catch small lizards because the big ones can bite stronger and we also are scared of them because they are big lizards and the small lizards are just cute and you want to catch them. We also searched online how to know which lizard is a female and which is a male. It said the males have a darker tail and the females have a brighter tail. We noticed the difference in the tails.

We looked under rocks and dark places and under trash to find lizards and other animals. We also flipped rocks up to see if there are any bugs so when we find lizards we can feed them. My friend and I have a huge cardboard-box to put the lizards in there. One time we had them in the box for a couple of days and the lizards finally died. My friend and I felt bad and we did a funeral for all of the lizards. And now we don't keep the lizards for a couple of days anymore. We just keep some in a box for a little while and at the end of the day, we let them go. 

Coyote Peterson and Mark and Mario Go into the Cage of Death

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."Surviving a Cage of Death."

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is in Australia. He is with Mark and Mario. They are going to a place called World of Crocs. The World of Crocs is a place where you get to see a saltwater crocodile close-up in this big cage. The cage can hold about two people the most. The cage is made out of Plexiglass, and it is three inches thick. They are going into a cage called the Cage of Death. It sounds very creepy. There was a crane to hold and lower the cage into the water. There were two other people out of the cage and feeding the saltwater crocodile while Mark and Mario were in the cage so you could see the crocodile eating right next to you. 

Mark and Mario are going first into the Cage of Death. They were a bit scared. When they saw the saltwater crocodile get into the water, they were even more scared. The saltwater crocodile that they saw was very big. It looks very scary to look at because of its sharp teeth. 

Mark said. "We survived the Cage of Death."  Now it was Coyote Peterson's turn. He was going in by himself. He was also scared when he saw the big saltwater crocodile get close to him.

Coyote Peterson said going into the Cage of Death was the coolest thing he had done.


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Coyote Peterson Gets Chased By a Police Dog

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."Youtuber Arrested!

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is doing a K9 video. He is getting chased by police on purpose. And the police have a K9 dog. They are testing on Coyote Peterson if the dog can smell him out when he is hiding. So basically, he is playing hide and seek with the dog. The dog that they are working with is a Dutch Shepherd.

Coyote Peterson is running through a school. Nobody was in the school when he was being chased by police.

Coyote Peterson got smelled out by the dog. And the dog bit him a lot. He had a bite suit on. But he could still feel a lot of pain. The bite suit protects him from going to the hospital. It protects him from having his bones crushed, and his flesh ripped off. The dog is trained for sport not for attacking bad guys. The dog won't bite anywhere on you if there is not a suit protecting you.

Coyote Peterson was carrying a backpack. Inside of the backpack was his two new books. He is trying to look like a bad guy with a bag of loot. 

When I was watching the video, it was really cool seeing the dog sniff Coyote Peterson out. I was surprised the dog can do that because the dogs that I see in real life cant do that. The dog's color is mixed in white and black. The dog is beautiful. I wish I could have a dog like that.

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Coyote Peterson is Going To Put His Hands in Hot Springs

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."Hands vs.Springs".

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is in Thermopolis. Coyote Peterson is wondering if the hot springs can boil three eggs. The first egg is going to be timed to five min.The second egg is going to be timed for fifteen min. And the third egg is going to be timed for thirty min. 

Coyote Peterson said the hot water stays at a consistent 127 degrees fahrenheit.He also said the actual temperature of water is 212 degrees fahrenheit.

Coyote Peterson said Native Americans discoverd the hot springs and referred to them as medicine waters.He also said it was believed that these springs had incredible healing powers which had the ability to cure everything from disease to gunshot wounds. 

Coyote Peterson put the first egg in. And it did not turn out good at all. Then he tried to do the second egg. Then it didnt turn out good at all. then he tried the third egg.It didn't work.And know he is going to put his hands in the hot springs. And he is trying to do it for fifteen min. He did it! He said it was so hot that you could see his veins. 

I would never do that in my life at all.