Now My Favorite Baby Animal is a Sloth

My favorite nature show is Coyote Peterson I like the one they did fossil hunting in the Badlands. I like that episode because they showed me lots of different fossil teeth that explained Which animals those teeth belong to. There is this man that explains which fossil animal teeth it goes to. that is why I like the video I can show you that one.

There is the adorable sloth that I like because it tells me a lot about sloths and how different they are with their colors. The 3 toed sloth is mostly black and a little bit of white and it is the most popular one. and the 2 toed is light and it has a long button nose.

Now my favorite baby animal is a sloth because it is really adorable.

 He has a daughter her nickname is pup Coyote Peterson she likes to catch animals bugs different type of lizards. 

Coffee Barre


I got a new planner and a calendar and stickers to go with my calendar from my Opa.

I Am not doing pointe classes anymore because all of my classmates are all older than me there15 are14 and I am 9 and because all of my pointe classmates are in ballet 3  so I'm the only one who leaves out of the classroom when it's my time to leave so that's why I  am not doing pointe anymore.

 I can show you a picture of a coffee sign

try to guess what that means for ballet I'll tell you what that means it's in French this is how you spell the coffee Bar look at the word Barre in the is a play on words and that is the french word for the wood bar you hold on to when you practice ballet. 

I Also Want to Do Tap Dance

Next week I go back to ballet. I don’t know what the Easter performance dance is about yet. I think the new ballet practice will be for the Easter performance.

I also want to do tap dance because tap looks really fun to do. Compared to ballet, tap dance movements are much faster, the noise that you make with your feet is loud, and the music is faster.

During the last performance, my favorite tap dance that I saw was by the dance class « The Smith Sisters »

My Third Performance Went Great

My 3rd performance went great. But when we started doing our first practice on stage, we messed up a lot. We were bumping into each other. But when I performance started and lots of people were watching, we did well.

After my performance, my Oma gave me yellow flowers to congratulate me. We went to a restaurant named Shari’s. All my cousins, my Opa and Oma, and my aunt were there too. They let me pick out the pies that I liked. I chose lemon meringue pie and a berry pie. All of my friends who danced with me were there at the same restaurant, but not at our table. Except two of my friends, David and Emma, weren’t there. 

One of my favorite dances in the performance is the dance by the 4 to 5 Adults Tap Class. It looked really fun and I liked the music and the dance. 

My next performance is in June.