A Veiled Chameleon

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called "Wild Chameleons in Florida?"

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is in Florida. Coyote Peterson is with a teenager named David. He is 16 years old. He really wanted to be on one of Coyote Peterson's videos. 

He did a video about Coyote Peterson and then Coyote Peterson saw it. So he said he is going to be on one of his videos, David was really excited. They found a Crabspider and Cane Toads and Cuban Tree frogs and geckos and all sorts of different kinds of animals. I wish I was David because he got to go explore with Coyote Peterson. It has been my dream to be with Coyote Peterson. I love animals and catching them and my favorite animal is snakes. And my second is a Cheetah and my third is a turtle. 

The best catch of the night was a Veiled Chameleon. I like Chameleons because of their color they can change their color to any color they want. The tongue is two-thirds of the length of the body and uses it to catch little insects.

Mole Crickets

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."Mole Cricket Experiment!."

Here is the new video:

 Coyote Peterson is in Texas. I never heard of a Mole Cricket in my life. Coyote Peterson said the Mole Cricket is very strong and it can dig very fast under the ground. If you hear like a bit of like a frog noise and you hear it very close and you can't see it at all and it is coming from underground then that's probably the Mole Cricket. Coyote Peterson said when he didn't know where the noise was coming from he thought its a frog but he could not find it at all and then he searched it up on the internet and he found out what was the noise. And then knew what it was and where it was. Coyote Peterson said he never knew what a Mole Cricket was. It's pretty cool to see a mole cricket. What I like about the Mole Cricket is that it can dig fast underground. Coyote Peterson said when the males make like this type of noise that means the males are trying to attract the females and mate with them. 

Book “The Beast of Bites” Has Arrived


I have been waiting for the Beast of Bites for three weeks and a half. I had pre-ordered the book. It finally came in. I was so happy when it came in the mail!

 What I like about the book is that it came with a signed bookplate. It had his signature made with the Coyote head sketch. It's really cool to see his handwriting in the book. 

Here is the signed bookplate

My brother said he was surprised that it had a hardcover so won't rip easily. The illustrations were by Johanna Tarkela. Here is her website: https://johannatarkela.com/ 

When I saw that it had the same name as me I was surprised. It had one illustration for each animal.

And it had lots of real pictures. The book has real pictures of Coyote Peterson getting bitten by lots of different types of animals. They are mostly water animals and the rest are land animals that Coyote Peterson talks about in the book. There are no flying animals in the book. I was very glad he did one chapter on a water snake because each snake is so unique. The other chapter that he put in there that I like is because it's about an attack dog. It's very cool to read about how strong the bite of an attack dog is. And I love dogs a lot. They're very cute and playful when they are not attacking. 

The Longer The Spines Go in The Deeper It Gets

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."Extreme Cactus Attack". 

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is in Arizona. Coyote Peterson was trying to catch a Tarantula Hawk. And then he slipped and fell into a big Teddy Bear Cholla bush. If you don't know what a Teddy Bear Cholla is its a big spiky ball. And I can tell it hurts a lot for Coyote Peterson. He got like almost twenty on him. I fill bad for him because it hurts a lot it looks like. It sounds like its just a cute teddy bear but it is not. Its the opposite of a cute teddy bear its a spiky ball and the longer you wait the deeper the spines go in. For me, that's scary. The reason why I spelled Cholla with an el is that its in Spanish. Mark was trying to get the Teddy Bear Cholla off of Coyote Petersons back and arm. When Mark was getting of the Teddy Bear Cholla he got one on him accidentally. So he had to get it off by himself. I fill bad for Mark because he just got the Teddy Bear Cholla on him know.    

Eastern Black Kingsnake Found in a Broken Down Barn

There is a new Coyote Peterson video called "You'll Never Guess What Lives in Here".

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is in West Virginia. Coyote Peterson and Mario are looking for snakes and other animals at an old broken barn. 

When they got there it was raining and then it stopped. Mario said that it's a great place for going and looking for animals because the animals are looking for shelter under old wood and old sheets of tin scattered all over from the broken barn. The reason why the animals are looking for shelter is that it was raining for a while and it might start to rain again. 

Mario found a snake it was an Eastern Black Kingsnake.

Here is a picture of an Eastern Black Kingsnake: 

what I like about the Eastern Black Kingsnake is its pattern. Its pattern is all black on the top and its all-white on the belly side. It's really cool to see an Eastern Black Kingsnake. The Eastern Black Kingsnake is not venomous at all. I really wish I could be with Coyote Peterson someday. I would like to learn how to tell the difference between male and female snakes.