Ezra's NEW CAR!!!!

Ezra just got a new car!! Its a small blue Ford. It's so cute!! I love it so much! 

So Ezra bought the car and then my brother Jonathan fixed it up a little so it's drivable and then later there was some issues with the break pedal so he took it to the mechanics and they fixed it up and now it's perfect!! I actually haven't rode in it yet. I know that sounds crazy but it's true! Hopefully I will soon. 

I am going to clean the inside and outside of it because it's a lot of fun cleaning somebody else's car that's new. Don't worry it's already like super clean but there are some dirty spots so I will get those! :) 

Here are some pics that I took of his car!

Isn't it soooooo cute!!?? I want it now! :)

Simeon's Birthday Coming Up!!

Simeon's birthday is on Feb 16. We are going to our brother Caleb's house to celebrate it! And Valentines day is just a day before his.

We are going this Sunday to Sacramento and not on his actual birthday. So that means we are going on the 11th of Feb. We will be staying one night. Most of our family will be there but I'm not sure if Noelle and Cameron are going. Nicholas will be going and even wants to stay there for about two or three days! I hope Noelle and Cameron comes! 

I want to bring my violin there because my brother Caleb and my sister in-law can also play! I like playing with Caleb mostly because I'm about his level at playing and Risa is a professional. But I do like to play with her also. :) 

Simeon is turning 18 years old! I know, crazy!! I feel like he should just stay 17 right now because he looks 17. And I also feel like he just had his birthday. Time flies! Soon I will be able to drive! Well, actually I still have about 2 years left but I say that's almost!! :) 

I want to make him a red velvet cake for his birthday. I recently made one and it turned out great!! Not sure if I should do it pink or a different color because it's also almost Valentines day. Still deciding on that.

Sophie is making Simeon a card! She wants to make him a super cool one ;) She also made one for her friend too but that's for Valentines day. 

Anyways, see you next time!!

My First Day of Spanish Class!!

So yesterday was my first day of starting Spanish again. That day we didn't actually learn any new words or speak in Spanish because our teacher had to tell us important stuff about what he wants us to do this week and he also asked us how we have been these past months. 

This is what he told us about what's going to happen this week.

We aren't going to continue with Spanish classes because since we are apart of their program his dad and him think that they should just skip the rest of the 30 hours because we have already learned so quickly and we need to take a important test and will show if we are intermediate or higher. There's actually a lot more to what he was saying but it's a little too complicated for me to try and explain. But, this week him and his dad will be preparing us for that test all of this week. Then after this week, we will be taking it.

 I have already taken it before but that was a long time ago and since then I have learned a lot more so I get to take it again! I am very happy to take it again but I am also a little scared. Hopefully I will get good high scores! 

After he said that, he also said if we still want to continue with Spanish classes than we could join a different class which has about 30 adults learning. The adults are a tiny bit behind of us in our learning so it would be good to join. But it would be at 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the evening. You would have to pay $2,000 each per student but instead of that, since we are apart of their product, we only have to pay $50 per student.  

I am still thinking about it and I would like to join but I would be listening to the recordings instead because around the times they do it that's when I have time to hang out with my friend since she gets off at 3:30 in the evening from the bus. And other reasons too. Plus, my teacher said that you can still learn just as much from listening to the recordings than from actually being there on zoom. And there's actually a lot of people who do that. But it is just a little more effective being there on zoom with each other learning. 

Well, anyways basically everybody was there on our class yesterday except one of the family's who had two sons and a daughter doing Spanish. They have like 11 or 12 kids but those are the ones who wanted to do it since the rest are moved out. And there was another guy who wasn't there either. He was from choir and is Simeon's friend. Actually I think like most of the kids there are from grace notes choir. And we all live near each other which is kind of funny. 

Today I am going on the Spanish class! Its at 12 so it's pretty soon!! Right now for me as I write this it is 11:17 AM. 

Bye!! See you next time!!


Karaoke is back at the lake club!! I have been waiting since 2019 to have it back! 

I used to do karaoke with my friend Sophie and Abby all the time when I was like 9 or 10! I always remembered we would first go to the pool and swim there for a bit and then get out and go to the lake club and sing! But then covid shut it down and never did it again until now sadly. 

Ok, I would sing if I was like with the Garza girls or Abby. Well, maybe...... I feel like it would be pretty cringy if I started to sing again. And if I did sing again it would have to be a song I know pretty well. Or if I played violin and my brother Nicholas did guitar and we played together that would be fine because we do that all the time. But then that's not us doing karaoke. So you know..... I might be too old to do it again. I'm already regretting saying that.😅 

I just need encouragement and the Garza girls with me to do it!! I know probably they are reading this so if you are reading this than we need to sing together one of the nights and then we can have a sleepover after because that would be amazing! 

Anyways, the karaoke night is tomorrow which is Jan 27. I won't sing but I hope my sister Sophie and her friend will sing because that would be amazing! 


Sophie got for her birthday a zip line and a swing!!! They are SOO much fun to be on!! She also got some clip on earrings and a light up dog! And she is still going to be getting things from her older brothers! We don't know what it is yet! 

So we already set up the zip line and the swing and it's just amazing!! I was the very first person to go on the zip line and I was scared because I was thinking it might snap or something and that would hurt a lot since the zip line goes over a hill thing and if I did drop I might break something. So anyways I tried it and then I just kept going on and on because it was a lot of fun! And btw Ezra set up the zip line so..... I was scared. :) 

Ezra was too scared to even go on himself! But I kept telling him to do it or else he will keep avoiding it forever! So finally he went! 

Sophie couldn't go on because her arms wasn't long enough to reach the handle of the zip line. But it did come with a seat so we put that on and I tried it and it was a lot more comfortable than hanging by the handles. But that was also a problem because Sophie still couldn't reach the handles from the seat! We put the seat the highest it could go but STILL she just couldn't reach! This zip line is for kids to go on not really adults so Sophie should've been able to go! So that day she didn't get to go. But the next day I put her on the seat again and told her to hang on to the rope instead of the handles so she did and I let her go. That actually worked!! 

I kept pulling her up and then letting her go! She just loved it! Plus the other night we watched, " George in The Jungle" the real life one. And so while she went she sang " George of the Jungle" song! It was so funny! 

After a couple days Ezra wanted to move the zip line somewhere else that is longer than the one we had. So he took it down and we looked and looked. Oh I forgot to mention that we had the zip line in the back of our backyard. So anyways, we looked and looked to find a place for it but we couldn't so we just decided to keep it down until we can find a spot so right now it's still down. :( 

Our swing is like my friend the Garza's! So it's really fun! It's just that all the trees around us is basically dead so if there's too much weight on the swing, it might you know..........:( 

But everything Sophie got for her birthday is amazing!!