Yard Sale Day is Coming up!

For yard sale day my two friends are going to have a yard sale. My friend Sophie is going to be selling lots of cookies and brownies and other sweets! My other friend Abby is actually going to sell with Sophie. And I am too. Here's our plan for yard sales day. So we are going to get up really early in the morning and sell cookies and brownies and other sweets like at maybe 7:00aclock or later and we can set up like at 6:30. And after we sold a lot we are going yard sailing. Like for a half hour and come back selling sweets again.

I can't wait until yard sale day!

My friend Abby's birthday is on April second and she's turning 10 years old. I am already 10 years old and I am a few months older than her. And my other friend Sophie is older than me by a few months and her birthday is also coming up it's on May 28. And she's turning 11years old. I don't know what to buy her yet. My birthday is on November 7. Not intell a long time till my birthday.