Why Do Wolves Howl At The Moon?

Why do wolves howl at the moon? Good question! Here are the reasons why:

Wolves howl at night because of a hail to hunt or as a territorial expression. A howl can even help a lost wolf find its way back home. Howls can inform the pack of its location. That's pretty cool that wolves can do so much with just howling!! 

Some people think that wolves howl as behavior directed at the moon. 

You always see it in cartoons and other shows that have a wolf howling at the moon and turning into a wolf savage or something. Sorry but that actually is not true of course. :) And also sorry I have seen a couple of shows that have a wolf howling at the moon and then turning into something. :) That's why I said that.

I really like wolves. They are so beautiful with their color fur and they seem actually kinda cute to me!

Here is a picture of two beautiful wolves that I really like:

Black and White Wolves