Which Scorpion Sting is the Worse

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called. " Which Scorpion Sting is Worse". 

Here is the video:

I would never get stong by a scorpion in my life. They are so creepy to look at. Coyote Peterson has two scorpions one is called Stripe-Tailed and the other one is called Hairy Desert Scorpion. The reason Coyote Peterson wants to get stung by the two Scorpions is because he wants to know which one of the scorpions are going to be more painful. The Hairy Desert Scorpion is very hairy I see why they call it Hairy Desert Scorpion. The Stripe-Tailed Scorpion is so cute and small it looks like it doesn't want to sting Coyote Peterson. But the Hairy Desert Scorpion looks like it really wants to sting Coyote Peterson. When Coyote Peterson got stung he said the Striped-Tailed hurt the most. I thought the Hairy Desert Scorpion was going to hurt more than the Striped-Tailed one. The reason that I thought that the Hairy Desert Scorpion was going to hurt more is that it was bigger than the Striped-Tailed Scorpion. 

Human Blood vs Snake Venom

Coyote Peterson wants to know what happens when he puts snake venom with his human blood. He takes eight vials of his blood and then he has the snakes bite a jar for him to get the venom out of the snakes. He puts the snake's venom into four of the vials and the other four were backups. He takes the vials and pours them down in each of there sections on the plexiglass board to see the results. Coyote Peterson's blood was healthy. The reason Coyote Peterson want's to do this is because he wants to know if his human blood with Snake venom and pouring it down the plexiglass board if his human blood and snake venom would it slide down or be like jelly and not slide down. I would never do that at all I hate blood. I can't believe Coyote Peterson did it. It's so gross. 

Coyote Peterson said he hates needles but he still did it. When they were going to get some of Coyote Peterson's blood out he closed his eyes and he was sweating a little bit. I would do the same thing if somebody was going to get some blood out of me. Coyote Peterson looked very scared I would definitely be scared too like super scared! After when they were done with all the gross stuff, Coyote Peterson got some ice cream.

10,000 Animal Challenge

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called."10,000 Animal Challenge". 

Here is the video:

10,000 is a lot for an animal challenge. Coyote Peterson and Mario are the ones that are going to be in the challenge. The animal challenge is were you half to catch the most animals that you see. Coyote Peterson said if you or I catch a snake that is five points and if you catch a frog that is two points and turtles are three points and water snakes are four points and snapping turtles are five points and when they are done they count up their points and the person who has the most points wins and the loser gets nothing. Mario caught five tadpoles one turtle and one water snake so he got twelve points in all. And Coyote Peterson Caught two water snakes two turtles so he got fourteen points. At the end of the video, Coyote Peterson won! it was his own money so it didn't really make a difference. I really really want to meet Coyote Peterson in real life someday. Imagine all of 10,000 dollars fell in the water that would be very bad.  

Coyote Peterson Has a Challenge for Mario

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called. "Snake Challenge".

Here is the video:

Coyote Peterson is at Reptile Discovery Center in Florida. Coyote Peterson is going to do a challenge for Mario. Mario is the person who takes the videos for Coyote Peterson. This time Mario is not going to take the video, but Coyote Peterson is. For the challenge, Mario has to say one fact about each snake in the Reptile Discovery Center. 

Here are all the snakes they went through in the Reptile Discovery Center. 

Gaboon Viper 1.

Black Mamba 2. 

Green Mamba 3. 

Cape Cobra 4.

Puff Adder 5.

Boomslang 6.

African Bush Viper 7.

King Cobra 8.

Python Ferdelance.9 

And there are about 20 more snakes then those listed above. Mario was able to name all of the snakes!. I am so surprised that he could do it in ten minutes' time. My favorite snake that Mario named was Python Ferdelance. And some others I forgot the other names of the snakes. 

A Eel with Double Jaws

There is a new Coyote Peterson video. The video is called. "Eel with Double Jaws". 

Here is the video:

The Eel that Mark caught is a Snow Eel. The colors on the Snow Eel are yellow, white, black, and blue.  Mark said the reason that the Eel is called the Snow Eel is that the flakes on the eel look like snow. That is why the eel is called a Snow Eel. What Mark also said is the Snow Eel is a fish, not a snake. The reason he said that is because some people think the Snow Eel is a snake. The Snow Eel has double jaws, one in its stomach the other one is where the mouth is. The one in the stomach chomps the rest of the meat that goes down into the stomach. The Snow Eel looks so pretty with all its colors. I don't want the Snow  Eel to live in California. Because mark said they are dangerous. The Snow Eel has really sharp teeth. The Snow Eel was trying to bite its reflection in the container. The eyes are scary to look at. The Snow Eel is not venomous.