It Snowed in the Foothills

My sister's Sophie's Birthday was five days ago. She turned five. We had family over. And for lunch we had pizza. And for dessert, we had a chocolate ice cream cake. It was so good.

Sophie got four games and an electric dirt bike, and an inflatable horse. Her favorite present was the electric dirt bike. She was very scared at first, but now she rides the dirt bike everywhere. She wanted her friend Sawyer to come and play with her. So he came and my other friend Sophie also came. My other friend is Sophie and she is ten. We took turns with the electric dirt bike. The weight limit was 80 lbs for the electric dirt bike. Even though one of us was over the weight limit, we still rode it without any problems. It was so much fun. 

Yesterday, Nicholas, Noelle, and I went to Millville after church to explore the woods from the car. It started snowing hard. I was so excited that it was snowing because it never snows where we live. We were about one and a half hours away from my house. We were driving around about 20 minutes and stopped to get out for five minutes to look at the snow falling down and to take pictures. 

We went back to Noelle's house. We played a dice game. I won that game! After the game, we hung out with the dogs. Noelle's friend Hannah made a lasagna soup with bread to dip into it.