I Might get a Youtube Account

I might get a youtube account. My mom says if I do get a youtube account then it has to be about singing. I said yes it will be about singing because I love singing songs. I am going to record myself singing.

When I was 4 years old I use to hide in a room and sing by myself. My sister Noelle and my mom told me that. I am still practicing songs right now.

Last Tuesday I ask Mrs.Doomer if my friend Sophie and my other friend Merisa and I can do a duet. She said yes we can and we have to practice a lot. She said we can do the " Lost is Found" song. I was so excited. I just love that song like crazy. Every day I am going to try to record myself singing. And put it in here.


I mean, YESSSS about practicing, and MAYBE about the YouTube channel! Oops. -Mom.
lol, mom- Johanna

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