Get To Go To My Friends House And Have a Sleepover!!

I get to go to my friend's house the Garzas, and have a sleepover!! I haven't seen the Garzas for so long! It's been about 2 months or so since I have seen them! So that was actually way before Christmas since I last saw them! 

The reason why I haven't seen them in a while is that they moved away from our street to Red Bluff which is about a half hour away. And they moved to a ranch area so it is even longer to get to that part of Red Bluff. I miss them so much since I last saw them! I used to go to their house every day basically. But now it's like going to be every two or three months. Well, it wouldn't be actually if I did choir this semester but as I said in my other blog post, I am not going to be doing choir but only at Christmas times because I really wanted to go back to ballet and see how it feels again. But I miss my friends at choir. I love doing ballet though too!

Oh, and the reason why we are having a sleepover is that my parents are going to Alabama and seeing our brother Gideon for four days and then coming back. We are totally fine by ourselves at home but I really wanted to go to someone's house and have a sleepover while our parents were gone so my mom asked if Sophie and I could go over there for a sleepover!! And Mrs.Garza said that's totally fine! And we could even stay for two nights too if the first night works out. Two weeks until we actually have the sleepover though. But I am so happy we can even have one and see the Garzas!! We haven't even seen their house yet so that's going to be fun seeing the house!!

I have had three sleepovers in my entire life. Two with the Garzas and one with our other friends, the Phillips. I say that is a lot of sleepovers to have!

The Garzas are probably reading this right now actually! Hi if you are!

So excited to have a sleepover!!


Hi, we're so excited to see you and Sophie!
We have so many fun things to do. Our mom said that she'll get the stuff for the crepes that we have. She also said that we might be able to roast smore's!
You are so adorable :) You girls will have a BLAST! Don't forget to come home because I want to see you when we get back! ;)
Hey Annie!! YAY!! I am super excited!! I hope we can roast smores! And yes mom we will try to get back and see you! :) Nine more days until we can go to your guy's house!! I hope we can stay there for two nights! - Johanna

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