Cesar Millan: How To Deal With An Aggressive Dog!

So today I watched a Cesar Millan video about a dog that is super aggressive towards everybody and barks and tries to bite them. Cesar comes and helps. 

Dogs name is Jake. I don't know what exact breed the dogs are though because he doesn't mention it. The owner has two of the same breed. But only one is super aggressive towards people. And the owners name is Leland. 

When Cesar knocked on his door, Jake went crazy and barked the whole time while the other one didn't bark at all. So Leland put him on the leash so that Jake doesn't try to bite Cesar. 

The first thing that Cesar does is tell Leland about how to use a calm energy when working with an aggressive dog. Cesar says " because if you don't have a calm energy than you won't be able to solve the problem. I have been staying in a calm energy this whole time." And also the owner of the dog actually has a super calm demeanor. But only when Jake starts barking, he gets tense. So that's manly the problem. So he started to learn how to control his energy. And then Cesar showed him how to snap Jake out of barking. But the wife of Leland asked Cesar " how can you be so calm even when there's a dog coming after you or snapping at you??" And Cesar said " Well if I am intense or scared that won't do any good or even help the situation. That's why if you have a calm energy than you can start actually doing something good. You just need to stay in a comfortable state of mind. That's why I need to take a deep breath and slowly breath it out if I feel a little fear coming in. " 

And so Cesar worked with Leland and they started making progress!

Here is the video:


Good to know about the calm energy thing. I have seen that dog breed before, but I forgot what it's called.
nice post :-) So often we do the opposite... The video is unavailable :-(

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